CHAPTER (20):⚄Avenge⚅

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Neglect kills injuries, revenge increases them.
-Ben Franklin

-Ben Franklin

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Everyone POV

Saturday, April 29

12:33 am


Marc sat in the dark with a cigar in between his fingers. His head bobbed slightly to the music that was playing. Marc relaxed in his seat, to him he was fascinated at how the dark held the power to bring the unsurfaced into the light. "She take my money when I'm in need. Yeah, she's a triflin' friend indeed." He sings before inhaling his cigar.

Wyatt walks into the living room, rolling his eyes at his brother's choice in music. He decided to bite his tongue, knowing that his words would only go in and out of Marc's ears. "The strippers are here." Wyatt announces.

"Send them in." Marc grumbles, not even looking at Wyatt.

"Do you really think right now is a good time to have strippers over?" Wyatt asks.

"Yes, yes I do." Marc responds.

Kevin barges into the living room. "I agree with Marc on this." He says taking a seat. "We need strippers."

Wyatt shakes his head. "Fuckin idiots." He mumbles, before walking out. "Take a left and you guys should see the two idiots sitting down on the couch." He informs the strippers. A sigh escapes his lips as he climbs up the stairs and walks straight into his room.

Marc throws his head back, watching as the half naked females danced for him. His eyes twinkle at a particular stripper. Out of every girl in the room, she stood out the most. Her eyes burned into Marc's as he took in her look. She has warm beige skin, and honey colored eyes. Her dark tan spiral curled hair all in her face. Marc lifts up his finger, gesturing for her to come.

She smirks, doing as told. Her hips swayed to the music, hypnotizing Marc. She touches his hand, lifting up her leg to straddle him. "Hey there stranger." She says, touching his hair. "I'm Ajahh, what's your name?"

Marc gulps. He's never been this close to a woman since Kelly. "Hey." He responds. "I'm Marc."

Ajahh smiles at him. She thought it was cute that he was nervous. "You're so sexy." She says, grinding on him. She takes the cigar from Marc and places it in her mouth. "I love cigars."

"Cool." Was Marc's response.

"I'm making it rain bitch!" Kevin yells excitedly, throwing money all over the place. The two strippers to his side giggle, touching his chest.

Marc shakes his head at his friend. Ajahh smiles. "Someone's having fun." Her hands trails down Marc chest. "What do you say stranger? Wanna go upstairs?"

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