CHAPTER (13):⚅Love?⚄

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Be calm in arguing; for fierceness makes error a fault, and truth discourtesy.

-George Herbert

-George Herbert

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Third POV

Friday, February 4

5:23 pm


"How much times do I have to apologize Kelly?" Marc asks, angrily. He was sick of arguing and the only thing he wanted to do was cuddle up with his fiancee. "I said I was sorry!"

Kelly continues to watch television, forcing herself to not look at Marc. "You're blocking my view." Is the only thing Kelly says. She wasn't in the mood to argue, all she wanted to do was watch cartoons with her daughter.

Marc pinches the bridge of his nose, not wanting to make a scene in front of Dani. He sighs before walking to Kelly's chair and grabbing the two back handles. Marc guides her out the living room. "Guys, keep an eye on Dani please," Marc says, to the others as he passes by.

"Sure." Kevin answers. Kelly and Diana's eyes met for a second before Kelly rolls them. At this point, she was over Marc and Diana.

Marc wheels Kelly into their room and shuts the door behind him. He sits on the bed and waits for Kelly to say something. Kelly ignores him. Marc sighs before talking, "You can't keep ignoring me." He says.

"Yes, I can," Kelly says, looking him right in the eyes.

Marc bites his tongue. "No, you can't Kelly," Marc says. "You wanna know why? Because I'm your fiance, we are a couple and as a couple, we talk to each other. It's called communicating."

"Fuck communicating." She says, lowly.

Marc frowns at her use of words. "What's your problem? I said I was sorry."

Kelly sighs in frustration. "My problem." Kelly starts off. "Is that you don't trust me." She looks at the wall. "You always think I'm lying to you."

Marc scoffs. "Because half of the time you are lying to me!" He shouts. "I'm sick of it!"

"I've never lied to you! I only keep certain things from you, because I don't want you to feel like you have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulder." She shouts back. "All I wanted to do was wait for the right time to tell you we lost our child!"

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Marc asked he was hurt about this whole situation.

"It slipped my mind," Kelly confesses.

Marc looks at her in disbelief. "It slipped your mine?" He repeats. "How does informing me that you had a miscarriage slip your mind?!" Marc yells. "You're just selfish!"

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