Chapter 9

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Lauren wakes to find the spot beside her, previously sagging with the weight of a small brunette, unoccupied. Furrowing her brow as she rubs the sleep from her eyes, Lauren slowly peels the covers back from her body, a rush of cold greeting her as she did so. She could've sworn just a moment ago she and Camila had been wrapped around one another, lying in a comfortable silence. When had she nodded off? How hadn't she noticed the girl held so securely in her arms sneaking off?

Raising her hands above her heads in a meek attempt at stretching, she finally stood from the comfort of the warm bed, her toes curling involuntarily at the chill of the wooden floor beneath her bare feet.

"Camila?" She calls out groggily, her skin slowly adjusting to the temperature change now that she no longer had her bed sheets to warm her. Her curiosity only grew at the lack of response, slowly gaining back her alertness.


As she wanders further into the house she's met, this time, by a response. Certainly not one she was expecting and surely not to be directed at her in the first place. Nearing the living room, the dull thumps of a bass could be heard, accompanied by quite possibly the most beautiful sound to ever reach Lauren's ears. She's heard Camila sing before, but it's more raw this time, more sincere. Like she's comfortable. Like she's not too worried who's listening.

An irrepressible grin now adorning her lips, Lauren slowly makes her way over to the source of the sound, leaning up against the wall as she takes in the sight before her.

Camila's completely lost in her own world, eyes shut and twirling around as she belts out the lyrics to a song being fed to her ears through her headphones. It's weird, because she's never seen Camila be anything other than clumsy and hesitant, but now it's like she's a completely different person. She moves with such elegance it's hard to believe this is the same girl who thought she'd peed herself earlier in the week. Each movement is so effortless, her hair falling down her back in perfectly messy rivulets that sway in time with the beat. Before long, Lauren finds herself memorized with the way Camila moves - how her hips gyrate easily, her feet moving at the same, synchronized pace.

Her brazen staring is only interrupted when that same angelic voice speaks up, no less melodic when she's speaking than when she's singing.

"So, about how long have you been staring at me for?"

An uncharacteristically deep blush blooms across Lauren's cheeks before the echo of her own words evokes a soft chuckle from her. She supposes she deserved that one.

"Well?" The voice prompts when it isn't met with an immediate response.

"Sorry, I'm just trying to decide if I should fully immerse myself in the role of you and pretend that wasn't what I was doing," A toothy grin overtakes the soft blush that still conquers most of her face, her skin beginning to slowly pale as she regains her confidence.

Her reply is met with a playful shake of the head and before she even realizes it, Camila's in her arms again. Lauren sighs contently at the warmth that begins to encompass her, subtly breaths in the intoxicating scent of the girl she'd only now just dared to notice.

"How's your hand?" She asks, not missing a beat as she retracts her body heat and gently takes Lauren's injured hand in her own.

"Same as it was a couple of hours ago," Lauren teases, attempting to give the other girl's hand a reassuring squeeze, but quickly realizing that wasn't such a good idea when a sharp pain surges through her fingertips. Wincing, she recoils from the younger girl's touch, instinctively cradling the injury to her chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2014 ⏰

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