Chapter 2

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Camila's always been a focused reader; never having any difficulty letting the stories sweep her off her feet and carry her bridal style into a whole different world. She's read during parties, not paying any mind to the shouts or the way the floor quivers in response to the bass of a song she personally didn't quite care for. She's read whenever she's been given free time in school, the shrieks of glee and scolding of a particularly cranky teacher distant from her ears. She's read in the waiting room each time she's had a doctor's appointment, none the wiser to the squealing children vying for attention. Her mother used to joke that she could read whilst walking into the midst of a hurricane without batting an eyelash.

So why now, in the blissful serenity of a quiet house, is she finding herself incapable of so much as turning a page? Why can't she re-immerse herself in the fantasy, as she could so effortlessly have done before?

Perhaps it had something to do with the anxiety. Or the drastic change in her environment. Or maybe she's just overly tired. Or maybe...

No. It couldn't possibly have anything to do with what had happened her first day here. It couldn't be due to the girl that slept beside her, whom refused to wear anything more than her bra and underwear during the night. It couldn't be because of that same girl, whose wardrobe seemed only to grow more and more promiscuous with each passing day. There's no way it's got anything to do with that hot breath on her skin or those lips whispering in her ear, or that warm tongue -

Focus, Camila, she scolded internally, tugging nervously at the collar of her shirt before attempting to read. Again.

But the words were scrambled into an incomprehensible mess and absolutely none of it made sense. She could've sworn she saw the word tongue somewhere in the mix and regardless of the context, her mind deviated. Again.

That mouth on her skin, those green eyes staring her down, her feather-light touch...

Snap out of it! Remember who you're dealing with. Lauren Jauregui will eat you alive if you give her the chance. Don't let her get in your head.

And she wouldn't. Of course she wouldn't. She's not like that. Didn't want to be associated with anyone that was. She didn't want to be associated with anyone, as a matter of fact, but especially not someone like Lauren.
They're too different. Camila likes reading, Lauren likes drinking. Camila likes keeping to herself, Lauren likes to let the whole world know she's around. Camila's never had a boyfriend, Lauren's probably had dozens. They're just not the type of people who mesh well together. Which made this entire situation only that much more uncomfortable. Couldn't she have been paired with someone less... her?

"Let's play a game, Camzi."

The low husk startles Camila, snapping her out of her trance and causing her to flinch visibly. The nickname sends jolts of electricity through her body and she tries as hard as she can to regulate her breathing.

"Reading," She mumbles, the words nearly unintelligible. It's a blatant lie, and they both know it, but she still hopes against everything that Lauren won't call her bluff.

That hope's torn to shreds in a matter of seconds.

"Oh, really?" She teases, taking a step forward that causes Camila to sink back into her chair. "Because I was under the impression that when someone reads, they actually turn the pages of the book. You, on the other hand, haven't moved from the same place all day. Or yesterday. Or the day before that."

Camila flushes because the only way Lauren could possibly know that she hasn't made any progress is if she's been watching her, and it makes sense considering they've nothing else to do, but that doesn't stop the shudders that travel down her spine.

Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere (Camren Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora