"Alright." I set Aquila down to the ground gently and smiled as her little legs scurried away. "Do not wander off to far."

"Thank you, Theron! I will be back in the soonest time!" The cute little girl called back as she rushed down the street to get little friends.

I turned to Aeliana once she was out of sight. "You know you did not have to-"

"I know I should not intrude in your family matters but Aquila is happy when she gets to play with her friends. I just -"

"No! You are not intruding, at all! I was talking about the adornments you put in her hair. It was too kind of you." I clarified and she gave a shy smile, looking down to her fingers which were interlaced on her thighs.

"No, it is alright. I enjoy adorning her hair. Aquila a sweet girl." Aeliana said and my heart melted at this little gesture. She was taking care of my sister and that meant a lot to me.

"Just like you." I stared into her beautiful eyes as her head lifted and she stared back into mine.

The world around me faded each time I caught a glimpse of her and now was no different. She was the most beautiful person in the universe and nothing else came in close to her beauty. I could have stared at her for days, years or centuries and still be in awe of all of her.

From her black braided hair to her caramel coloured skin to her mesmerizing brown eyes to her full pink lips to her velvety voice. I loved every inch of her and I would have never changed anything on her. She was perfect to me and I loved her.

I had always wanted to tell her how much she had meant to me and I should have but it was too late now. She was betrothed to another.

Aeliana parted her lips to speak but was interrupted as a loud scream echoed. Only a few heard it as the streets of the market were noisy.

I got out from underneath the tent shielding Aeliana, myself and the sacks of wheat she had been helping her Aunt sell, from the sun. I intended to see what the commotion was about.

Just as I stepped out into the street, a loud booming sound echoed, sending vibrations through the ground beneath my feet and shaking my balance.

Just as I had managed to stable myself, a heavy force charged through the street, pushing away everything in its path including people and items being sold in the streets.

A harsh wind blew me off the ground and sent me flying backwards into the air, only to crash painfully to the ground a few feet from where I was previously stood. My head came in contact with the hard ground and it started to spin as I suddenly felt dizzy.

My vision began to fade and the last thing I saw before my eyes closed were the insulaes in my line of sight crumbling down to the ground. I, then heard an even louder sound which swallowed up the noises from the screaming people before I faded fully into the unconscious.

It was not long until I regained consciousness and I groaned as my eyes fluttered open. My head was pounding and a loud, deafening sound rang in my ears, blocking out all other sounds from around me.

Everywhere had been covered in dust but most of it had settled, making the view much clearer.

It was clear that was under attack. Our attackers had possessed sophisticated weapons that I had never seen or heard of before, weapons that could harness the force of the wind and force it to do its will.

Incipient | Book #2 [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now