More Explosions and Surprises

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        “Where’s Jen? Is she alright? Who hurt her? I’m gonna kill them!” She shrieked.

        “They said that she was okay, Libby. She is resting right now. We just need to give her some time to wake up. Okay?” Red said as he tried to calm her down.

        Libby looked at him with a stony gaze and took in a deep breath to calm herself, but there was still anger in her eyes. “I still want the heads of those who hurt my little sister.”

        “I know. I do too, and they will pay for what they did to her, but not now.” Red signed. He then gestured to a seat next to him. “All we can do now is wait.”

        Libby sat down next to him, but she was not still. Who could blame her for being fidgety?  She tapped her fingers on the seat and looked around the hallway. Her gaze eventually landed on Kenji, who was staring at the ground. “Who is he?” She signed to Red.

        “That’s Kenji. Jen’s boyfriend.”

        Libby did a double take of Kenji. “He’s cute. Is he Jen’s teacher too? I think I talked to him earlier.”

        Red shook his head. “Her teacher is elsewhere.”

        “So he’s available?”

        Red stiffened in his seat. “Libby?? Oh, God. If only you knew…

        “I’ll take that as a no.” Libby signed.

        One of the doctors walked out of the room and turned to the group. “Jen is awake and she is doing fine. She remembers everything and there doesn’t seem to be any sign of mental damage. If you want to talk to her, then go on in, but she may be still be high on the anesthetics we gave her earlier.”

        The group stood and walked into the room to find Jen sitting up in her bed. She turned and smiled at them. “Morning.” She chirped.

        Her Pokemon ran to her side and laid next to her.

        “Mah buddies!” She cried as she hugged each of them.

        “Morning? That’s all you can say?” Libby cried. “Jen, you almost died last night! You need to say more than just morning.”

        Jen frowned and cocked her head to the side. “Whatcha talk’n bout?”

        “Jen, you drugged weirdo, you could at least try say, ‘sorry, Libby, for nearly giving you a freaking heart attack?’ I wake up thinking that you and Red are sleeping, and then I get a call from the hospital saying that you were nearly killed last night while riding the Ferris Wheel. What the Hell happened?”

        “I donno. We were on the ride and then…Team Rocket showed up.” Jen groaned.

        Libby frowned at her. “Why is Team Rocket after you? Wait…are they still mad at you for stealing their uniform?”

        “They gave me that uniform! Ask Rattata. He was with me.” Jen cried dopily.

        “We should probably give her some more time to recover, Libby.” Red signed as he watched Jen’s gaze move towards the ceiling.

        “Hey, Jen.” Libby said, drawing Jen’s attention back towards her. “We’ll talk later.”

        Jen nodded woozily.

        The group began to leave, but stopped when Jen called out to them.

        “I…want to talk to…Kenji.”

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