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Today, before school, when I walked out to Nick's truck. He had different plans. He told me that we weren't going to school. I just said, sounds like fun.

I got in the truck, and we started driving. We picked up Max, Sam, and . On our way. Everyone but me knew where we were going. I like the surprise.

After a long drive we end up at the beach. But it's one farther down the coast. So it's beautiful. "I love it!" I say, jumping out of the car.

I ran down the beach. And pick a spot. The guys bring down the stuff. It's so warm out. They set up the blankets and food. Then they start striping. "Does anyone have on swim suits?" I ask.

"No. Where's the fun in that." Max says.

With everyone in our underwear, I'm glad I chose to wear my black bra and pink panties. It looks close enough to be a swim suit.

We splash in the water and lay in the sun. It's so much fun, to hang out with them. And no one asks about the white lines on my body. Yes, those are from my self harm.

Nick drove me home after hours in the sun.

I went to bed. After texting the guys for a little while. And having Lila scream at me for no reason.

They bet me something.

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