"Tomorrow. My mom got a job transfer."


I nod.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner!? How could you!?" He yells.

"I found out today to you doofus! And it's not exactly my choice! I wouldn't be going if I weren't being forced!" I raise my voice as I stand up to leave.

"Why don't you just say no?! Don't pack, don't get ready, just sit on the ground and do nothing! Don't let them win!" He shouts.

I lean forward and whisper harshly.

"Shut up. People are staring."

"I don't care if people are staring! Answer me!"

I've had it. Now is not the time.

"I can't exactly just say no!"

"Why?! Do you want to leave?!" He asks loudly.

"You know what? When I saw you, I was going to say good bye. I wanted this to be civil. Obviously not. I am having a hard time right now, and I don't need you to be lecturing me! Give me a God damn break!" I vent. I stand up, grab my bag, and start running to the door.

By the time I'm outside, my tears are falling once again.

What the hell? He's my best friend, he's supposed to comfort me, and make me feel better, not treat me like a piece of crap.

I keep running until I'm home again. I can't face my parents though.

I dash through the door, ignoring them, and run to my room.

As soon as I get there, i grab my iPad off my desk.

I clicked FaceTime and my other best friends names.

It was loading.

A few seconds later, my other friends, Josie and Fraya, faces showed up

"hey girl!" Fraya exclaimed. Fraya is... different. That's the only way to explain her. She's kind of a rebel, but doesn't do drugs or any of that crap. She talks back a lot to her parents and teachers, cusses, and ditches. As soon as they saw my tears, they looked worried.

"whats wrong? why are you crying? who do i have to beat?" Josie started. Josie is a really nice girl. She always cares for people, but if you mess with her friends or family she will go into total attack mode. She'll occasionally skip school with us.

"I- I'm moving!" i exclaimed, tears running down my cheeks again.

"what?! no! why!? when!?" They both said in unison.

i sniffled. "ya. my mom got a job transfer. im going to live with some rich family friends in California while mom and dad go to New York,"

"when?!" Fraya said, exasperatted. I paused, then whispered,


"I must have heard you wrong, because you did not just say tomorrow," Josie stated.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier?" Fraya asked.

"because i just found out today!"

i exclaimed. "and my life is just going great," i started sarcastically "Oliver is pissed off at me becasue of it, its not my fault though! im moving to California when we just started second quarter, my life is so effed up!" i ended, yelling the last part.

"stay there A. We'll be right over," Josie said softly. I nodded, another tear slipping out.

i turned off my ipad and laid down on my bed, curling up into a ball. i shoved my face into my white pillow and let all my tears out. i couldnt stop.

about 15 minutes later i heard a knock on the door.

"come in," i answered, my voice hoarse from crying so much. Fraya and Josie barged in, bags in their hands. i sat up.

"what's in the bags?" i asked.

"necessities," Josie told me.

they plopped down on my bed next to me and started removing things from the bags.

vanillla ice cream, movies, candy, tissues, and... a bikini?

"what's the bikini for?" i questioned.

"your going to Cali, Ari. You are probably going swimming. And your not going swimming in your one piece!" the bikini was a cute coral color. It had fringe coming from the top. luckily, the bottoms had normal black swimming shorts. I nodded.


"so, your parents just told you today? and why is Oliver mad at you?" Fraya asked, putting her arm around my shoulder and giving me a side hug.

"ya. And i don't know why Ollie is mad at me. I went to the cafe down the street to get some air after my parenmts told me, and I ran into him. He asked me what was wrong so I told him I was moving. then, he just totally freaked out. I don't know why!" My voice cracks. "I... I just..." I don't even finish what I was going to say, before I break out in tears.

"You can't leave," Fraya cried. Wow. Fraya never cries.

"I don't want to. But I don't have a choice," I whisper.

Josie comes over and sits down on the bed with us. We are all silent, letting the tears fall.

I hear a knock on my bedroom door. Probably my mum coming to see if I was getting packed.

"Go away mum," I say coldly. The door opens. And I see...


"Get out," I seethe. I don't care is he's my best friend, I'm going trough a really hard time, and he made me feel like shit.

"I came to talk," He says, holding his hands up in defense.

"There's nothing to talk about. Your pissed off at me for something that I can't stop. Get. Out," I stand up as I say the last words.

"Ari I-" I cut him off.

"Get. Out!" I shout. I'm an not in the fricking mood to have him act like a douche bag.

Fraya stands at my right and Josie on my left.

Oliver looks to them for help.

"Normally I would totally help you. But not when you mess with my best friend - who I thought was also your best friend," Fraya sneers.

(A/N what do you think is scarier: a pissed off woman or a mad man? I say a pissed off woman. They can get ugly.)

"Please, just hear me out. I'm sorry I acted like th-" he starts.

"If you don't leave right now, I'm going to call the cops," I tell him coldly.

He looks... defeated.

"I'm sorry, Ari," I hear him whisper before he leaves my room looking at the floor.

I fall back onto my bed and shove my face in a pillow.

"My life is so effed up," I say for the second time today.

"Just forget about him. Forget about everything. Let's just have our girl night," Josie says, pulling me up and slinging her arm around my shoulder.

I nod numbly.

For the rest of the night, we ate candy and ice cream, watched movies (white chicks!), and listened to music until we fell asleep.

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