"Dating for dummies?"

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Today another Bore in a classroom filled with many students learning,laughing even sleeping and here I am wondering what the hell I'm doing with my life.

I sigh taking my notebook that was faultlessly on my desk into my book sack as I reached for a pencil  so I could hurry up and get this quiz that no one mentioned about, over with.

The teacher preciously toke her time licking her finger grabbing the proper amount of papers to give to each row of students.

Not only was I bored but getting impatient. Finally she got to my row as the person in front of me handed me the stack of papers to give to the rest of the students behind me.

I scanned the questions that were lined up on the paper so neatly it didn't even seem like I was reading English.

After guessing on almost half the quiz I actually started to try or at least looked as if I was.

The time flew by and what it seemed so did my knowledge of where I was ever taught this.

As I turned in my quiz leaving the classroom with my guess a stare from the teacher as she toke a look at my quiz to know that the possibility of me passing was at 0% I left my last class for today as I felt a hand grasp my shoulder.

"On the way to lunch?" I turn to see glasses with a slight smile on his far until his attention turned to the male walking towards us.

The guy that I haven't seen at all today or might I mention Yesterday and it was only Tuesday! "Miss me?" Max said with a handful of pride. I was about to open my mouth to tell him no but the glasses beside me spoke up.

"No were on the way to lunch. Care to join us?" Glasses spoke in the most intelligent voice ever. "ACTUALLY yes!" Max said getting beside the other side of me.

He grabbed the side of my arm leaving glasses behind speaking gently into my ear "what's with stalker boy?" "You mean glasses? We have all the same classes remember?" "Right well anyway care to join me for a date today after school?" I wiped around looking at him in cunfustion like that meant nothing.

So were really doing this fake date thing. Remember stupid you put yourself in this situation.

"Sure no big" I said trying to play it off seeing that I haven't been in a date in what it feels like a century. "Good" he said walking into the lunch room leaving me standing glued to the ground.

"What was that about?" "Nothing" I walked on into the lunchroom looking to find Ruby and..The boys? When I mean the boys I mean Max's two lovely friends.

Alex and Nathan. Walking up to the table with a "why are they here" look on my face I saw that Ruby was enjoying her talk with Nathan and Alex busy on the phone.

I didn't get my lunch today because I was more focused on these boys at the table. "Ruby" I blurted while she kept her conversation going with Nathan.

I toke a leave of going to the ladies room. I reached for the bathroom door about to enter but heard low sobs of crying coming from inside.

Weather I was going crazy or really hearing someone crying I opened the door seeing Mellie on the floor balling her eyes out on the textile floor.

I went to one of the stalls grabbing tissue and handing it to her as she toke it blowing out her nose laying her head back agianst the wall.

I toke the liberty of breaking the silence. "Whats wrong?" "Its not to worry about" she said blowing her nose once more.

"I think I should seeing you look torn up and on the girls bathroom floor." "Its just my mom doesn't except my boyfriend and She's threatend to kick me out because of him" I looked at how watery her eyes were along with her red nose and puffy eyes.

"Well I didn't even know you had a boyfriend but wow I don't even know what to say...but all I can tell you is that it is going to be Ok. Alright?" I said as she nodded "I'm going to pee now." I said going to the stall hearing Mellie's small chuckle.

After doing my business and washing my hands Mellie stood up washed off her face and planted a smile on her face.

"Hey its lunch time wanna come sit with us?" It toke her a while to respond but nodded.

We arrived to the lunch room as everyone laughed talked and rambled we toke a seat at the  table that which I felt a bit awkward being at. "Ruby!" I said loud enough to even grab Nathans attention.

"Huh" she turned to face me looking at me with Cunfustion. "yes?" "You know Mellie right?" I said nodded to the side of me. "Oh yeah hey Mellie.

Are you Ok your eyes are" " pretty" I said cutting her off giving her the look of :don't say it don't acknowledge it Seeing that Ruby got the message nodded her head.

" so wheres Max?" I asked Alex who seemed to be silent over there at the end of the table. Alex looked up from out under the table "oh hes at the library" I scoffed " the library?" "Yeah" he nodded putting his head down on the table " are you feeling Ok" "yeah" he stated.

Wow everyone seemed to be out of the sorts today. I was token a back but oh so curious to why Max is at the library. "Mellie I'm going to Check up on Max are you going to Ok?" I asked as she simply nodded talking to glasses.

I exited leading the war of footsteps to the library. When I got there I thought I've never heard complete silence before there was no staff here and it was almost all the way dark in here.

I guess its lunch time for the staff to. I walked around looking at the shelf's full of books on every corner.

I went through 5 aisles until I saw a boy on the ground reading a book. I walked up slowly not making any sound so I could get a closer look on what exactly made Max wanna read a book.

Until I came face to face of what it was he was reading. "Dating for dummies?" I laughed so hard making him turn around his straight face is what shut me up.

"Sorry" I said trying to contain myself. He closed the book hiding it behind himself. "What are you doing in here?" He asked " the real question is what are you doing in here? More importantly reading that book?" "I told you I've never been in a real relationship." He says standing "Never been on a date?" I asked as he stayed silent giving me the nah face. "Well then I suggest you Check out that book" I said walking past him exiting the libarryy.

I walked down the halls as Max caught up with the book still in his hand. "You didn't Check out the book did you" I said still walking as the bell rings for end of school. "Nope don't have to" he said as he opened the school doors letting it close to where I had to open it up as it bout hit my face.

"What a gentleman" I said as he chuckled "Only for you babe" he said opening the passenger seat of his car.

"Who said I'm going with you?" I asked " have you already forgot where going on a date?" " I thought you meant later not now" I said taking a seat in his nicely leather seat in the car.

"Well this times as good as any" he said as he got into the car leaving the schools parking lot

Hello my lovely people!! I'm so sorry for the lack of updates but its here this is typically a part one of this chapter to the next that ive already written for you guys. So I love you all and thank you for still being here with me.

Much Love ~Isabel~

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