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Hi Yall its another update and I am so proud of this chapter I hope you love it as much as I do I've been waiting to complete this chapter just take me a few hours.


Update coming soon!!!

The bell rung as everyone stood to leave the lunchroom as the lunch ladies packed up the meals and their tools from cooking as I grabbed my things leaving me behind from everyone else.

I went my ways down the halls letting my eyes skim over the white walls about covered by all the posters about bullying and awareness. The lockers all shut as the bright red brimmed from the differences of the colors through the school I got so caught up in my own thoughts of my visual preference that I didn't see Glasses walking alongside me and Ruby nowhere to be seen.

Her last block was close to the lunch room so I'm sure she has taken off. "What you thinking about?" Glasses said beside me "Huh ?" Already forgetting he was there "Oh, nothing so are you following me now or something?"

"No, Remember We have all the same classes." Glasses said. "Oh yea ok I can be very forgetful at times sorry," I said shrugging as we reached for the doorknob to enter the last class of the day. We entered taking our seats waiting for the day to end so I could go home.


All through the day I didn't see Max but then remembered that he was m ride home, I was going to call him but weirdly glasses offered to take me home. Ruby caught a ride with Alex and Nathan. "Hey want to go somewhere?" Glasses said buckling up his seatbelt.

"Um I mean I barely know you so? Maybe I should just go home?" I said fiddling with the hims of my dress that I was still unwittingly wearing, "You barely know me but you have enough nerve to be in a car with me and let alone see where you live." He said chuckling to himself "Oh well Yea." I said trying to sound smart.

"Well, You should trust me I handled that guy from the party that night so let's just go to the park to pass by time." Glasses said handling the car handles begging to drive upwards to the yield sign at the school before leaving "So is that a yes?" he said

I thought for a moment but realized I have nothing better to do and I rather not be with my brother at all. "Sure why not," I said latching onto my seatbelt. He smiled and turned left leading our ways to the Park.

"Benwill Park" said the sign of the name of the area of the park. He parked in the lot leaving the engine off We got out the car as we heading to the park to sit on the swings.

The light wind hit my face as the swing swung forward as I remembered a time where my childhood wasn't so dark where my father was here sober and happy. As this was one of the things my father did for me push me on the swing leaving me breathless within the air and the happiness that was within me.

"Always lost in your thoughts huh?" A voice beside me tho it was Glasses made my memory of happiness fade. "I guess you can say that" I kicked the ground with the tips of my feet to accelerate the speed of my control of the swing.

"You don't talk much" Glasses spoke again Iooked down enjoying the ride from the swing to answer "sometimes I talk too much sometimes I talk to less," I said

The silence swept aside until Glasses spoke up once again "So you and Max huh?" I turned my attention to Glasses as the swing slowed down. "Yea what about it." It felt weird talking in real-some of having a fake relationship to which not all known except Max and I's best friends.

Out of all sorts I got reminded that Mellie doesn't know although she's not my closest to a friend I tend to see her as trustworthy. "Nothing it's just He doesn't seem, well whats the word for it?"

"there is no word for him. do you even know him?" I said out of condense

At first, he had hesitated to answer but he had spoken "No I don't, but I don't know you dating him its a bit weird if you think about it, Your not really the kind of person he would go for; you don't focus on your looks but more or less on what happens around you and who people are as a person" Glasses said

My swing came to a complete stop before taking in what he had said He would never date someone like me. The fact that I seem different from what he may be used to catches me by the throat to thinking how the hell am I going to win this bet, I didn't take what Glasses had said into consideration complete insult although it made some facts come to a vision

"Ok" I didn't want to explain my thoughts "You seem complex," he said as he stood off from the swing. I got up as well seeing the sun go down as the sky appeared darker. "I guess so but you seem off odd and awkward." I walked toward his red Dodge charger getting inside ready for the ride home.

"So where do you live?" I smiled going over to look at his phone to go to maps locating my address so he can take me home,

"Take a left at the next stoplight" "You have arrived at your destination" the GPS continued as he struggled to cut it off. "I could have just directed to you where I live," I said unbuckling my seatbelt and he set the car in park for a min.

"right." he said "well thank you for taking me home and being quite awkward," I said getting out the car "you're welcome" he smiled as he waved goodbye as he rolled up his window taking off.

I turned to see Ruby's car and a Waitingly Max sitting at my front door steps "What are you doing here ?" I said as I looked down at him as he looked up "well I kinda got kicked out for the night so I went for a walk and landed here." He said gripping his hand.

"Oh well just come inside for a min ok and is there something wrong with your hand?" I asked concerned "No its fine," he said standing up I went into my bag to grab the keys as I enter the house turning on the light to the living room

" WHAT THE FUCK !!!!" I screamed seeing something I already saw once before.

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