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When I finished packing Conner came upstairs to get me down because we were going out to eat. He quietly knocked on the door before coming in. "Augie what's wrong?" He briskly walked up to me, worry on his face. "Stupid Shane. That's what!" I yelled at him. He sighed and pulled me into a hug. "What did he do now?"

"I made a friend! And a good one at that. But because of his drunk arse that friend ran away. Literally!" Conner sighed and his grasp on me tightened. "What'd Shane say this time?"

"He told my new friend that he was a bitch! But he's not! And then Ajax, my new friend, ran away. Well Sunny ran away with Ajax on 'em," I blurted out.

"Wait who's Sunny?" Conner queried.
"His horse," I deadpanned, "And I feel really bad for Ajax, he probably does get confused as a girl a lot."

"Why's that?"

"He has boobs," I stated, not really thinking about it. Conner chuckled and shook his head before looking me in the eyes, "We gotta get going now, Augie. We're going to this fish place for dinner." I nodded my head and got up off the bed with Conner, "thank you," I mumbled quietly. At least I have one nice brother.

The Uber drive was uneventful, luckily. When we arrived it was sunset. We sat down by a window with me sliding to the edge so I could look out the window at the ocean. There was a seal sitting on the pier. It reminded me of Ajax. So many faults. He was disgusting to look at, but a friend anyway.

I ordered calamari and chips so did Sean. Kiera and Shane got hake and chips, Shane still being shitfaced. Conner got muscles along with mom and dad. Dad coincidentally also being drunk. I got a coke too, Kiera got a milkshake, Sean a creme soda, Conner a glass of water, my dad and Shane got whiskey and my mom got a glass of red wine.

The seal has left. Maybe I should message Ajax? I took out my phone and opened WhatsApp. I was about to search his name but decided not to and closed my phone, putting it back in my pocket. The sea was so calm and a cool breeze went through my hair. It was beautiful out here, I must say.

The food arrived. Shane decided it would be a good idea to throw a muscle shell at me. Literally no manners, god! I wiped it off my face and felt Conner pat my back. I don't know what I'd do without him. He's the complete opposite of his twin. He has dirty blonde long hair with green eyes. He's pretty feminine actually. But I love him anyways, even though that's a major fault. My dad and Shane were so drunk that my mom just had enough of them and left without them. They were being very racist.. I'm so ashamed of my brother and father. Conner decided he was gonna sleep in my room because it has a lock on the door, I guess he also can't deal with Shane tonight.

It was about one when they got home. Shane immediately started yelling for Conner when he saw that Conner wasn't in his room. He started banging on our door. Conner hid under the blankets. We heard mom scream and Dad yell. Shane left the door alone. Kiera started sobbing. I had to get him and Sean. Mom can hold her own. I told Conner what I was doing and ran out, locking the door behind me. I went to Sean's room and grabbed his arm pulling him to Kiera's room. Shane was there. Shane hit Kiera. Kiera was bleeding. I pushed Shane out the way and carried Kiera into my room. We locked the door again and hid under the blankets with Conner. Kiera wanted the light on because he was scared so the light was on.

Conner wanted to talk to me privately so we went to the bathroom. "Augie I have to tell you something." He spoke seriously, tears in his eyes, "my body wasn't meant for me. I'm something called transgender. I'm a girl, Augie." I tilted my head. That's a massive fault. But it's Conner. I'll do anything for HER. "What's your name then? It's obviously not Conner." She gave me a lopsided smile and burst into tears. I immediately wrapped my arms around her as she cried. "It's Ellie," she mumbled into my shoulder. Ellie my sister. My sister's name is Ellie. I love her and I'll protect her like a brother should.

We went back to my brothers, I whispered in her ear, "What must I call you in front of them?"

"Ellie. Shane can't scare me anymore," I nodded and we sat down with them. Shane was still banging on the door. I gave Kiera my earphones so he could go to sleep. Sean was already asleep. He cried himself to sleep. Con-Ellie was cuddled up to my side with Kiera in between us. I can't sleep, not now. There's too much.

Shane has left us alone now. I'm going to get mom. I unlocked the door and slipped out, locking it again when I left. I tiptoed downstairs. Mom was at the table crying. "Mom?" I ran up to her. She cried into my chest, "we have to get to my room." She nodded and I pulled her upstairs. I unlocked the door then we both went in. I locked it again. The floor was carpeted so we didn't make a sound. My mom was badly bruised. My father. She lay down on my bed and immediately fell asleep.

I sat by the window and looked out. Eventually I fell into a dreamless sleep.

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