The Raven

16 3 4

I sit alone at my
simple writing desk,
one made of oak wood
with a sullen person in the chair.

My thoughts race for no reason,
as I sit and stare out the window.
A blank sheet of paper lays
On the desk,
taunting me to write what I think...
But I don't.
I don't want to just yet.

I've been alone for quite some time now... and I think it's finally
getting to me.
The loneliness is suffocating;
I'm choking every time I breathe.

What's worse is the silence.
All I hear are the ugly and bitter voices
in my head,
and there's nothing to shut them out.

I feel a tear fall on my cheek,
but I do nothing about it.
Soon enough,
more join it on the writing desk,
and on the blank paper.

I suddenly hear a flutter of wings,
along with the scraping of claws on wood.
I look up,
and see a pair of black,
beady eyes.

It's a Raven

Any other time,
I might have felt a bit of fear,
but not today.
it's a welcoming sight.

"...Are you here for me?"

Yes, but not for the
reason you think.

"Then... what are you
here for? Is today, not my day?"

You're alone, are you not?

"Yes... I am."

And you've been alone
for quite some time,
have you not?

"Yes... I have for a long time..."

You're not now,
Now are you?

I smile for the first time
in ages.
"No I'm not."

We sit in silence

What is it that
troubles you so?

"I... I don't know."

Yes, you do.

There was no fooling him,
so I spoke the truth.

"I... I guess I miss home."

But you live here,
do you not?

"Yes, but home is where
the heart is,
and my heart is not here."

How do you know?

"... A part of me is missing.
It's been missing ever since I left.
It's like something was ripped away
from me,
and I'm not whole anymore."

Look down.

I turned toward the blank paper
on my writing desk,
but notice with a start that
it wasn't blank anymore.
Instead, it was a letter.
It was my thoughts,
written down in a coherent manner.

I smile again,
my head no longer in agony
from the pounding thoughts
and pressure.

With careful fingers,
I roll up the parchment
and tie a string around it,
and stretch it out to the Raven.

And what do I do with that?

"I think you know."

It smiled at me.

With another flutter of its wings,
it was gone again.
I watched it fly off into the distance,
holding my last words to the world.

The poor thing wanted to help me,
but I'm far beyond help now.
The loneliness, voices, and time
finished me off long ago.

"I'm sorry Mother, I tried."

Not much to say after this one...

Hope you have a nice

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