Somebody's Rainbow

16 3 6

Tears and water mix on my face,
replacing the grace I had,
leaving absolutely no trace.

Thunder & lightning wreaks havoc in my brain,
causing more and more of my mental pain,
showing no signs of letting me leave sane.

I saw the storm long before it arrived,
and I had so foolishly thought
I had survived its demise...

Sadly of course,
I couldn't stop it's force.
I wasn't strong enough...

But maybe,
I don't have to be.

I notice rain clouds
everywhere I go,
Seeing the crowds and
watching them grow.

Thunder & lightning catch my attention,
I turn and notice the
and I simply give an

I smile and talk with them,
and I watch the rekindling flame.
I find that joy is contagious.

I don't have to be strong
if I can be
Somebody's Rainbow.


So... I haven't posted in awhile. I'm truly sorry about that. You guys definitely deserve something for the wait... but I'm sad to say it wasn't what I originally intended. I wrote my "special" weeks ago, but a friend pointed out that it had some really serious copyright issues... so I had to put it down the drain. Since then, my brain has completely gone blank on ideas, and I'm not lying when I say I'm struggling.

Like I said, I'm truly sorry for the wait and lack of content... but I wrote this down with love... at 5:02 a.m.

Hope you guys have a wonderful Morning/Afternoon/Evening! ❤️

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