We ended up on a sidewalk probably a mile away from the police station. Beside us ran a river and on the other side was a vacant road, with street lights every few steps apart, illuminating our path.

From afar, the Colosseum stared back at us. Just an hour ago, we were looking down upon where we stood now.

I dropped my hand from Max's sheepishly, bringing it to my side as I walked to where the river met the road. Leaning over the edge, I smiled at my reflection in the water. My hair was a mess, but my eyes were shining with excitement. With life.

It wasn't long before Max appeared by my side, his shoulder touching mine.

He looked not as his reflection, but ahead at the buildings across from us. Many were dark, the lights turned off. While the city slept, we were wide awake.

I studied the shape of his face as it was outlined by the light emanating from the moon. His hair was messy, each lock pointing in different directions. His sharp jawline was clenched as he relished somewhere deep within his thoughts.

Maybe it's something about the night that makes you say things you wouldn't in daylight. The moon brings out our courage and our secrets. The moon makes us trust strangers that we normally wouldn't.

"Max," I whispered, my fingers fidgeting, "Yesterday, when you said that you have three months to live..."

He remained silent, making my heart race. Had I said the wrong thing? I cursed myself. I should've just-

My thoughts were interrupted when his eyes met mine.

He nodded, and something inside me ached. The night in our presence was no longer as beautiful.

The truth was that he was still a stranger to me, but the idea of anyone being so sick was saddening. I found myself wanting to cry, but at the same time, there were no tears. It was hard to believe that someone who lived like him was dying.


My eyes met his eyes, which were wrinkled at the corners from smiling.

Why he was smiling-I'd no idea. He laughed, the sound echoing, before brushing my chin up with his fingers.

"It's okay. I am happy."

Nodding, I then wondered how he was so carefree. His spirit was so liberated, so much so that a part of me was jealous. He was guided by the wind and nothing more.

"Live every day like it's your last, huh?"

I was proud of how strong my voice was. In reality, my heart broke for him.

He shook his head, leaning closer as if he was about to share his closest secret. Even though we were in public, it felt as if the world was ours only.

"Live every day like it's your second to last."

Confused, I raised my eyebrows.

"That way, when you fall asleep, you have something to look forward to."

He was a mystery. He was a green-eyed, riddle-speaking mystery.

"Max..." I trailed off, waiting for his eyes to meet mine. Not once did they fail to amaze me. "Can I ask you what..."

I fished my mind for the right words, but realized that there were none. There was no easy way to ask him. Before I probably proceeded to make a fool of myself, Max sighed knowingly.

"What I'm dying of?"

Embarrassed, I nodded, regretting having ruined the moment.

"Amora." His eyes searched mine. "There's this little phrase in my language that I use a lot. It's 'solo dettagli.'"

A Week In Rome | AWI series |✔Where stories live. Discover now