Me and my Demon Baby

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Me and My Demon Baby Story 1

Esmeralda's Pov

     I was sitting on the floor next to the toilet staring at the E.P.T pregnacy test for 10 minutes now and didn't know what to think, what to feel. I thought to myself what have I gotten myself into? I was only 16 and I missed my period,  I couldn't imagine being pregnant because I'd probably be dead by the time a baby actually grows because my mom will kill me. I stared at the pregnancy test getting pissed of then I ever had before, and then that's when I exploded. I threw the E.P.T stick making it hit the wall and falling on the ground. I began to cry and my eyes started to burn;  my phone was laying beside me. I wanted to pick it up and dial my mother's phone number and tell her everything, but I knew she would kill me. I heard a clicking noise coming from the E.P.T stick and I crawled like a baby trying to get it. When I grabbed it I closed my eyes hoping it was negative. I opened my eyes and removed my thumb that was covering it, and saw what was a plus sign. I was shocked and shaking and ran to my room soaring on the bed, I didn't want to believe it but had no choice to because being denial wasn't going to unprevent my stomach from popping.

Two Days Later,

"Esmeralda get your ass up!" Esmeralda's mom said.

"Uh Mama leave me alone." Esmeralda 's mom Maria replied.

"Your boyfriend Alexphonso called and said something about he needed time to think, blah blah blah, and then he said that he wanted you to meet him at ColdStone to talk." Maria said.

"I'm not meeting him anywhere until he gives me an explanation." Esmeralda said.

"For what?" Maria asked.

Esmeralda remembered about her being pregnant and that she didn't tell her mom aboout it.

"Um, that he hadn't called for 2 days now and suddenly he wants to meet and talk." Esmeralda fibbed.

"You sure that wasn't you?" Maria asked.

"Mama I don't have time for you playing around okay I feel like shit right now." Esmeralda said.

"I made you a hot bath, and when your done maybe you can go and work things out with Alexphonso." Maria said.

"Thank's mom." Esmeralda said giving a kiss to her mother.

Esmeralda's Pov

I walked away feeling sluty and guilty, I knew I had to tell mama but at the rigt time. I couldn't believe Alex called and wanted to talk, talk about what? On how he got me pregnant? 10 minutes later I got dressed and drove to Cold Stones. I parked the car looking to see if he had arrived yet, I looked down and looked at my stomach. It was still flat and hadn't popped yet. I walked in feeling the chilliness of the air conditioner run up my arm and prevented goosebumps.

"Welcome to Cold Stone can I help you?" The lady said.

"Um I'm suppose to be meeting someone here, can I just get a table?" Esmeralda said.

"Sorry were not aloud to give out tables unless your ordering something." The lady said.

Esmeralda's Pov

Okay I was so cranky and pissed off, and now this lady was telling me that I couldn't get a goddamn table unless I'm ordering something. I looked at the lady and gave her the fakest bit*hest smile ever, and the worst attitude.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2012 ⏰

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