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Ok so yeah this was a idea from @kitty123435 so thank you =3

thanks for reading and stuff


On our way to my house, I had this sudden urge to go to the park. It was still light out so why the hell not? When we arrived, Pewds and Mad just laughed, a little bit after, I saw the guy from the mall that Mad fought. He was tall with black hair and is plainly, a dick. And guess what his name is? His name is Dick. No joke thats his name and he's sticking to it. Hope he don't see us, don't need any drama.


While we were at the park, I noticed Cry acting weird. I followed his gaze and noticed it was that jerk who was hurting Cry at the mall, a while ago. Let me tell you what happen. Cry and I were buying a new game that just came out and once we got it, I decided to get us some ice cream. When I came back to Cry, with the icecream, I noticed a large crowed around him. Once I got to the front, I saw Cry on the floor with that jerk kicking him, calling him a ''fag'' over and over. Next thing I knew, I was pushing Cry out of the way, and taking a huge punch at the guy. With that one punch in the face, I broke the guys nose.The only thing that made me stop was Cry, whimpering holding his chest. A mall cop came yelled at us, got our names and left. Fuck Dick.


After a bit I noticed Cry and Mad were lost in thought. I followed their gaze/glare to a tall guy with black hair and black eyes. Even though they had their mask on I could feel the hatred in the air. We were all just sitting and talking then I noticed the guy was slowly making his way to us.

''Hey guys, nice seeing you here.'' He said and sat right next to Cry, pushing Mad out the way.

''What do you want, Dick?'' Cry asked.''Nothing faggits, just came to say hi and thanks for the broken nose, Mad."Then it struck me, this was the guy from the mall they told me about.

''Don't call us a faggit, Dick, or else I'm going to do worse than just your nose." Mad replied his voice was pure of hatred. Instead of replying he just looked over at Cry.

''You know, you gay sluts belong together, weirdo and weirdo." Before anyone said a word, this guy ripped off Cry's mask, Cry was trying to hide his face with his hands, pleading the man to give his mask back. At that, Mad was over the table and beating the living shit of the guy. I looked back over to Cry and saw him crying from what little face I saw. He had a small nose with his slim lips shaking.

When I heard screaming, I looked over, Mad  has lost his mask, too. He had stitched lips with a small nose, but once you looked at his blue-red eyes you could see the anger and hatred for Dick. Mad grabbed Cry's mask and kicked him once more.

''Don't ever come near us again or else I'm going to make sure your dead'' He punched him hard in the face causing him to black out, he then walked to Cry, his voice was gentle and caring.

"Here's your mask, Cry. When Cry pulled his hands away from his face to reach up for the mask, I saw his green eyes. He quickly put on his mask and told Mad his mask was off, Mad grabbed his mask and slipped it on. I can't believe I saw their faces! We drove home and ordered pizza no one really talked. After the pizza we watched a move. Once it was over we called it a night and went to bed.

Pewds saw their faces!!!

so this was the ending to day 5 pewds leave on the 7th day.

have a good life

~insanity out

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