meeting mad

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Alright so this is the first day! Pewds and Marzia just knock, Cry's playing "Which" and Mad's watching TV, about to answer the door. You guys might call me an idiot, but when someone read this I was practically jumping up and down. I'm such an idiot.  Oh well please comment if you have a idea!


Me and Marzia just knocked on Cry's door, but what surprised me is that it wasn't Cry who answered the door. It was a man with a weird crazy happy face mask. I  smiled, trying not to freak out or be rude.

"Is Cry here?" I asked politely while Marzia looked like she was ready to run. The man gave a simple "Yes." He said it politely right back, but his voice was low and sounded like he was forcing himself to say it that way. I still heard Cry yelling in the background. He is loud when he plays whatever game that is.


Ugh their here. I tightened my mask and headed to the door, this is going to be a long week, I muttered while opening the door. When they saw my mask the girl looked like she was going to run. I knew her name but its not important.  While Pewdiepie was looking at my mask with no expression, but he soon smiled and asked if Cry lives here. He said politely. Ugh, my turn to sound nice, "Yes." I said. But it ended coming out low and forced out. Why is it so hard to be nice to other people besides Cry? I'll never know.  I let them in and we all sat on the couch. Cry better hurry up.


When I saw the man, I was ready to run. He doesn't seem like the nice type but you can't judge a book by the cover right?  We all sat down on the leather sofa, The man introduced himself as Mad. Then it got really awkward, no one was talking, then all of a sudden we heard more yelling.

"FUCK THIS GAME I'M TIRED OF YOU! YOU HEADLESS, HEARTLESS, BITCH! I WANT A DIVORCE! WHY DID I MARRY YOU"?!" Me and Pewds just stare at each other, while Mad just chuckled and yelled that they had guest


Well I guess they met Mad. "Coming," I yelled back. I'm going to lose my voice with all this yelling


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