preparing and arriving

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ok first chapter!!! =)


Mariza and I are going to Florida to visit some friends. I'm staying at Cry's house for a week, while Marzia spends a week at a friends house.  Man, I'm going to miss her.  But I got to stay positive, I'm finally get to meet Cry for the first time!!!  We leave at 12pm so we should be there at 12 am (I don't know just go with it) ugh the plane is so un-comfy! When we get there, we're going to rent a car, and then Marzia's dropping me off at Cry's.  Then she's going to her friends. Wow a lot to do when we land so night.


Finally, got all my stuff out of my room so Cry's friend Pewdiepie has somewhere to sleep. Ugh I hate saying that fuckers name. He's way to happy for my taste, however there is an up side to his visit.  I get to share a room with my Cry. He doesn't know it yet, but he's mine, come near him and die. Alright I'm done. I'm going to watch TV while Cry is playing 'which.' Man he gets way into that game, he's shouting again. its about time for Pewds to come, so time to try to be nice for Cry's sake. Damn it, this going to be hard.


"You fucking heartless bitch, stop stabbing meeeeee!!! Stopppp nooooo!!" I swear I get way into these games, why am I even playing this? I just want to get the ending were she kills herself for you, but I keep getting the one where she kills you instead. Why do I keep getting this ending?! oh well, I guess I'll try again. Hmm what time is it?  Pewds should be here soon.

  Mad will get me, he helps me sometimes and gives me advise. He's the insane part of me, which is kinda creepy, but what gets me is that he looks. Mad looks just like me except for the face, he has stitched up lips and blood red eyes. While I got emerald green eye's. Also his mask has a crazy face, while my mask is a emotionless poker face. I  got time to keep playing.


As soon as me and Marzia were in front of Cry's house, we heard Cry screaming.  He's allowed to yell as much as he can I guess, there's no one near here, but he's still close to the town. His house has two stories and is a light gray color. Well this is going to be fun. We went up to the porch and knocked on the door.


ok thats chapter one. thanks so much for reading!

i never thought ill try this but i did and i dont regret this

its not like anyones going to read this but if u do thank you


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