The 'Lucky' One

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Six Pov

........ Oh no
I just remembered something. There is a monster in the water. I remembered after hearing gasping. I don't remember what it is but I know the lady always called it the granny. She told me story's of most things here mostly so I knew how to ...... How to say this........ Not die it a horrible way..... Yeah that works.

I heard splashing around but I didn't know what do so I froze. What if she saw the hole....... The splashing stops, but begins again after a few minutes... And it comes closer...... Still closer but stays quiet. That means it is a small thing or is very sneaky. I really hope it is the first one because I could probably win if it is small.

The rope wiggled as something climbs it. I prepare to fight. Soon a small head appears with long hair attached. They get up and I could see they were wearing a nightgown. They did not see me yet. Finally I pushed out a greeting.

"hello" I said in a quiet voice that was more of a whisper.

They jump. I sit up out of the shadows.

"I am so glad I did not hit you." She said.

I sat puzzled at the remark. That is how people respond? How long has it been since I talked to someone not on the verge of death?

"Me too I guess?" Was the only thing I could think to say.

"Oh sorry my names Ten nice to meet you." She said in a cheery voice.

"Six and same" I said.

Her cheery tone cheered me up a lot it made me feel like I was not running to get somewhere it was just calm.

I need friends......

Ten Pov

The girl I just meet pulled a smilw. This lightened the certain dark aura that had lingered in the room. I got next to her and started a light conversation and told about myself.

"So what about you" I concluded.

She gave me a confused look. Oh she must not get the question or she got lost in my rambling.

"Tell me about yourself" I said, she nodded and began

"Well my mom is the lady, so I watched the children throw the can read and I may have seen you before but I don't know, you are interesting thought and having a stone hand sounds cool, I like yellow like my jacket I don't like wearing shoes, also I am wearing my favorite shorts and shirt, its ironic. Because that make it easy to run which i have been doing a lot today, I am wet and that sucks but I'm still comfy though, did I tell you that my favorite color is yellow I think I did, sorry, so i'm......blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah......"

She talked no stop for ten minutes I listened on and off. I wonder what is up with seven.

"So that's all I can think of." She finished.

Wow she talks like me. Is that what I sound like?

"So friend wanna see were this leads?" I said.

"Were friends really?!" she said. I could feel her eyes shining behide her hair.

"If you wanna be mine to." I said excited by her reaction.

"Of course" she said.

I have two friends now!!!!

We climb though deeper into the darkness

(I had to go back and look were I left him.... He is so lonely back at chapter 4 oh and HE'S BACK!!!......bye)

Seven Pov

I must have fallen asleep but now I was somewhere else. It was warmer. But dark

*thunk tap tap*

Was someone kicking something? I looked around and found I was in a um... jar. Maybe I don't know. I pushed the top. I peeked thought the slit. I saw a "lady" sitting in a chair her foot hitting the chair. I push it back behind me and quietly climbed out. Her head was turned away so i made it quick. I saw ropes holding it down I used it to climb down. I heard her stand but falls on the floor. She looked at me...... Why can't i get some luck. Just then the room began to fill. Bad or good I did not wanna know. I swam up with it she disappeared into the mucky water. I saw her bubbles and avoided them. I got about to the top and I hopped out of the water and climbed up the wall. I griped the many lose sheets of the wall. I reach the top my hands bleeding for the cuts i had made while climbing. I had seen her grab at me and even hop out of the water always just that inch short. My hands are burning but i make it up. I start running i get a few feet a loud groun fills the room. I look back to see her tring to climb out. The water stoped rising. I sprint to the nearest exit of the room. I enter a dark hall and fall down a hole.

What did i do to get this luck? I fall maybe a foot or two when i hit a grate. It did not fall i sat and riped my sleeves and wrap my hand with it.

The grate started to give way i whedge myself so i won't fall. The grate falls with a loud thud.

"Hello." A cheery voice shouted.

I look down to see Six herself nevt to Ten who was lying on the ground.

"It tryed to kill me!" Ten said.

"Sorry" i called down to her.

Ten looked up to me.

"Oh hi seven." Ten she cheerfully.

Six spun to ten.

"You've meet him?"Six asked.

"Yeah i told didn't i. Oh fun fact i punched him when we meet he.came out of nowhere....."

She continued but i was to busy getting down to listen. But i pick up that she is just telling what led up to now and maybe just some random things.

Welp here we go.


Whelp heres a chapter (:


Seven: hey


Seven: so you gonna add a boy now


Seven: whyyyyyyy

Because i don't have any male characters :p

(: boredom /\


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