The Protocol

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Title: Gray

Anime/Manga: Katekyo Hitman Reborn

Summary: Adam and Eve. The sole Devil and the sole Angel. Without the other, the world's balance shall collapse.

Or, in which Tsuna-hime calls the fact that the Devil is her soulmate for eternity bullshit.

Reborn? He's a sadist like the Devil he is. What do you think?

(They can't deny, though, they love each other dearly.)

Genre(s): Romance, Humor

Warning(s): Fem!Tsuna, Angel!Tsuna, Devil!Reborn

Note(s): MultiChap

Pairing(s): Reborn x Tsuna (R27)

Chapter: 2 - The Protocol


As Tsuna and Reborn neared the entrance of Namimori Middle School, they saw a boy standing next to the gate with his arms crossed.

"Kyoya-kun!" Tsuna waved with a bright smile.

The said boy turned his head towards them. He nodded, though his face showed no expression but a straight, thin line. "Tsuna-hime. Place your things in the Disciplinary office and come back here as usual to check the students' uniforms." He glanced at Reborn and immediately took out his tonfas. "Any other individual besides students and staff are prohibited to enter at this point. Leave or I'll bite you to death."

Reborn blinked. He looked at Tsuna for an explanation.

"Calm down, Kyoya-kun. Meet Reborn, my home tutor. Reborn, meet Hibari Kyoya, the Head of the Disciplinary Committee and the 'Demon Prefect of Namimori,' or so they say."

A potential Cloud, I see, Reborn noted.

Kyoya narrowed his eyes. "I don't see why you need a tutor when you excel in all subjects, Tsuna-hime."

Tsuna just smiled with her eyes closed. "What do you mean, Kyoya-kun? There are a lot more things that I don't know that I'm sure Reborn here can teach me. For example—" she singsonged the last part. She opened her eyes and slightly grinned evilly. "—the mafia."

A feral grin formed on Kyoya's face. "Oh?"

Tsuna clapped her hands together. "I know!" she exclaimed as if she has an idea. She held up a hand with five fingers up.

Reborn and Kyoya blinked. "Five?"

"Five hours," Tsuna clarified. "After school, I'll let you fight Reborn. He is, in your words, a carnivore. If you fail to stand up when fighting him by the time the five hours end, will you acknowledge him as my tutor?"

He grinned. "Deal."

"Good! Now then, let me go get my armband. It's almost 7."


She walked away with Reborn sitting on her shoulder. As she went inside, Reborn glanced back at the prefect.


"Is something the matter?" They went up the stairs to the third floor of the school where most of the staffs' offices were, including the Disciplinary office.

"Two, actually. The first is that you just sold me out."

Tsuna giggled. "Kyoya-kun has too much pride. While it's true that he's known for his strict order and strength around Namimori, it can be his downfall. As of now, I'm the only who has defeated him in consecutive battles. He needs to learn when to tone his pride down, or else he can't work with others."

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