*A New Friend?*

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There's nothing like a peaceful morning... Just lying down on my bed doing absolutely nothing. You think with your eyes closed while listening to your favorite song.

The peaceful moment didn't last long though. Auriana rushed in the room and pulled you up by the arms "(___)! (___) gueesss whatt?!!" She starts to spin around with you "ITS SATURDAAAYYY!!! You know what that means right??!!"

Oh no... Its all-day-girls Hang out isn't it...?

"All-Day-Girls hang out!!!! Yaaayyyyy!! Just you, Talia, Iris and meee!!! Its going to be so much fun! I made a list of fun activities that we can do today!" She says in a very exited tone.

I just wanted some peace... You think to yourself.

You smile at her and roll your eyes "Alright Auriana, what are we doing today?" You say as she takes a long list out of her pocket.

"Okaayyy so, I was thinking we could go out and fix our nails, do our hair, then go take a swim out on the beach, and then... Ooooh go to the movies!! There is this really cool movie I've been wanting to watch for a really long time! It's called 'Infinity war!'" She says as she keeps blabbering about the things on the list.

You laugh at the fact that Auriana wants to watch that movie, you already watched it and you are very sure she'll come out of the movie theater in tears.

You take a glance at the long list, you gulp and interrupt her reading "Why don't we.... just start by going to the smoothie bar and get some smoothies while we all vote on what we want to do?"

Her expression shifts into a neutral expression "Yeah, I guess that works too..." She pauses "I'll go tell Iris and Talia that we are going to the smoothie bar!!!" She runs out of the room happily.

After she left, you walked towards the mirror to fix your hair into a/an (insert hair style) and you stare at your reflection. As much as I enjoy going out with my friends... We shouldn't be wasting our time like this... We should be doing what we came here to do! Find the Oracle Gems as soon as possible! I can't let Gramorr get his hands on them...

Worry builds up 25%

You glance at the reflection of the window in the mirror and you see something move outside. You immediately turn around and get your magic ready to attack. Is someone spying on me?? You slowly walk towards the window and open it.

"AHHH!! huh?? Amaru??!! Amaru, what the-?" Amaru is floating up and you grab him into the room before he floats up to space. You then look outside the window and spot Iris.

"Sorry (___)!!! I just... Tried a new spell! As you can see... It worked! Too well...." She says and smiles shyly.

You give her a weird look "But why were you practicing a spell outside? It's dangerous!"

"No! I wasn't practicing, Amaru got himself stuck on a tree because he was chasing a squirrel and he couldn't get down so I tried to help... And well, you know what happened after." Iris says.

You laugh and say "Alright, but next time something like this happens, please be more careful! We don't want anyone to know what we use magic" Iris nods as a response and Auriana goes out of the house to talk to her.

You then look up and see Amaru walking on the roof like Spider-man. You snicker and cast a spell "Crystal Solvenda!" it causes Amaru to fall and land on your bed.

You then hear your phone ringing, you pick it up and answer. "Oh, hey Auriana. Are you guys ready?? Alright, coming!" You hang up and go downstairs to meet your friends outside.

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