"Yeah, sorta just lost it in my head," I tell her vaguely. I haven't told anyone I remembered what happened that night. It sort of just came to me one night when I was staring up at the ceiling while going through withdrawal from my orange pills. At first, I thought I was hallucinating because of withdrawal, but my skin grew cold, my body felt numb and then I knew that's what happened. I didn't do anything willingly with Tyler. It was forced, all of it. I didn't come onto him as much as I try to tell myself that to make the situation seem okay, but I don't plan on telling anyone. It's not like anyone's going to do anything anyway. No one ever does and no one ever believes me, not with my so-called reputation.

"Hey, it's okay," she says, patting my shoulder over the table separating us, knowing that's all she can ever do to comfort me regarding the subject. "One day, karma's going to catch up to the both of them."

"Well, karma needs to hurry the hell up," I laugh lightly, trying to shake off my discomfort, pushing back the memories of Halloween night from flooding into my mind further.

"So, Luke Hemmings is finally going to a high school event? Only took you about four years," she remarks, pulling tickets out of a rubber band when I tell her I need two.

"Calum's good for you."

"How do you know the ticket is for him?" I ask after the school bell rings and the hallway almost empties as student try to make way to their next class.

"I know we haven't all talked in a while, but I've seen you guys together lately, inseparable and I see the way you both look each other. Besides, I've known you for years, Luke. You wouldn't be caught dead at a dance, let alone a winter formal, but here you are, buying not one but two tickets," she says while smiling and handing me the tickets as I hand her the money. "Sometimes, I think you forget you aren't the only smart kid around here in honors."

Footsteps begin to fill the empty, silent hallway, causing us both to look toward the noise, catching sight of a taller boy with brunette brown curls coming for us calmly. Harry.

Looking back at Quinn, I raise my eye brows before she mouths we're okay just as Harry meets us in the middle of the hall by the ticket table.

"Hello, beautiful," he says, kissing Quinn on the head. "Luke," he greets lightly.

"Harry," I mock his tone and serious expression. Harry's never liked me, it's been years, but if I were him, I'd be more grateful because if it wasn't for me, he wouldn't even be with Quinn, in a dark twisted way, I think to myself as he looks at me timidly.

"You two should talk to Calum," I say, mostly looking at Harry. "Seriously, neither of you can avoid him forever."

I know Harry's been ignoring him. I can tell by the way his sudden angry confidence toward me deflates within seconds at the mention of my boyfriend.

"I don't know how to," he says softly, adjusting his book bag on his shoulders, "but I am. If he was going hear how we became friends from anyone, it should've been from me. He didn't deserve to find out the way he did," he says as Quinn looks up at Harry, guilty.

"I don't think he wants to talk to me," she says, grabbing her book bag from the chair as my phone vibrates within my pocket again.

Choosing to ignore it, I listen as she continues, "I remember what happened that night. It took a while, but I do. What I said to him, he didn't deserve that. It was his business and he shouldn't have been called out like that. I shouldn't have been so ruthless."

"It doesn't matter. What matters is that his two friends haven't spoken to him in almost a month. He knows my side of what happened, and why you two were his friends to begin with, but now it's your turn to get him to understand. He deserves to understand and he deserves an apology, Quinn," I say honestly, feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket yet again and knowing it's most likely Calum or Ashton wondering why I'm not in Chemistry yet.

Unpredictable | Luke Hemmings & Calum Hood. (Cake/5SOS)Where stories live. Discover now