Chapter Forty-Seven: The Hide Out (Pt.2)

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

I looked towards the window and noticed how lucky we were to see such a mesmerizing view.

I looked towards the window and noticed how lucky we were to see such a mesmerizing view

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

"Your eyes look amazing under this moonlight" he said to me as I turned to look at him. He was already gazing at me. My cheeks felt red as I nervously turned my face to the side avoiding to see him. "Um I should go make you a warm tea it might help you feel better".

James- Don't get up..please..

He was acting in such a sweet loving way. I wasn't use to him being so polite. His regular self would've forcedly pinned me down. I guess his weak condition had to do a lot with this new side of him.

Jazmin- James this isn't right..

James- We aren't doin anything wrong..

Couldn't he see the strong effect he provoked in me by having him so close? I was able to feel his hot breath on the side of my neck while his arm was touching mine. Which only provoked shivers all over my body.

James- I fucked up..I know..

Jazmin- (Well that was totally unexpected..Even though I knew what he meant by saying that I acted as if I didn't)...What do you mean?

James- I basically pushed you into his arms..It's my fault..

Jazmin- James don't do this..Not now..

James- If not now then when?

Jazmin- How about never?..It's in the past..I rather not talk about things that happened so long ago..

James- I know I hurt you Jazmin and if I could go back in time..I would do things differently.

Jazmin- You did what you did and I prefer not to talk about it..

It wasn't because I didn't want to hear that apology my heart needed so badly but because there was so much pain inside me that resurfaced once I saw him again. Talking about the subject would only reopen wounds I thought had healed within time already.

James- I don't expect you to forgive me but I do hope you give me a chance to try and mend some damage I caused you..

I couldn't hold onto everything I was bottling inside much longer. After he had the audacity to make such request I bursted out in anger.

Jazmin- How dare you ask that!!

James- (There was the pain she felt inside..I kept poking on purpose..I needed her to yell at me and tell me what a shitty person I had been to her..If she didn't take all her anger and disappointment out on me she would never truly be happy..She needed this)

Jazmin- For so long I have yearned for this moment to come!!..But now..I can't even look at you!..I don't want you near me James!..I hate you!! ..I..I..

LOVING TWOजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें