- Ciao, Germany- Italy smiled at awake nation. He also broke a weak smile, seeing his friend.

- Hello, Italy- he said, trying to lift himself with arm, but failed, falling on the floor. Italy, scared, rushed to him immediately.

- S-sorry, I feel kind of dizzy- Germany apologized, letting smaller nation help him get up.

- Germany, you're sick- hard tune in Italian voice surprised blonde, but he had no strength to resist strong grasp of Italy.- Just sit down and rest. I'll bring you soup and some pillows- said older nation, leaving his friend on couch and went out of the room. Germany looked after him and after that his head just fell on edge of a sofa. He felt so weak. It was so... humiliating. Such strong country like himself pinned to the couch, unable to stand straight (maybe because you're gay). After some minutes Feliciano returned with large pillows under both arms and bowl of soup in his hands.

- Come on, we're going to help you feel better- Italy smiled at bigger nation, leaving soup on the table.

- You don't have to do this- Germany whispered, while Feliciano was setting up the pillows.

- I DO have to do it- Italy frowned at German man, but didn't stopped placing cushions. Finally he was satisfied with results and helped blonde sit up.

- You're acting weird today, Feli- Italy froze at sound of his human name.

- Y-you know my name?- he asked, sitting next to nation.

- Of course- Germany smiled weakly.- What friend I would be if I didn't know it. If you feel offended, mine is Ludwig. But you probably read it from mailbox-

- No, I didn't know- Italy blushed. He never thought of checking the mailbox or house sign. He always thought that it's a form of trust, giving other nation his name.- I'm sorry I didn't tell you myself... I didn't know that you wanted to know it. I... I thought you don't exactly trust me. After all, I'm the weakest here- Italy sighed, reaching for bowl. Germany's tired eyes winded with surprise and disbelief.

- Italia, I would never even try to think this way. That's right, you're not the strongest, but I'll always trust you. You're my first best friend after all- he claimed, trying to come closer to Italy, but brunet stopped him softly.

- I'm glad... You don't even know how much it means to me. But back on the track, here's your soup- Feliciano smiled, handing over the bowl. Germany returned the smile and looked at filling. It was simple chicken soup with noodles.

- I'll go get some covers for you, but please, eat it. It'll make you feel better- again Italy left the room, leaving Germany alone. Blonde took a sip, trying not to spill it around with his shaking hands. It was delicious. Germany started to eat quickly, remembering how hungry he was this noon. But because of sickness wurst tasted awfully and after that he lost appetite. However this tasted awesome (kesesesese). Germany was more than glad that Italy decided to come over and that he's taking care of him. It was a shame to admit it, but big nation had a huge crush on his friend (you don't say). And it was so nice to know that he care about him. Germany put the empty bowl back on table and lay down on pillows. The eyelids began to grow heavier and heavier.

- I see you're slowly drifting off...- Italy smiled, coming into the room with covers and extra pillows. Germany looked up to him and smile weakly.- Hold on, I'll get some essential oil so runny nose won't bother your sleep- Italy left covers next to blonde and ran, looking for some handkerchief and some beautiful smelling herbal oil. He returned quickly and lay smelling material next to German's head. His nose immediately became clearing out so he grabbed some tissues.

- See? Already better!- Italy smiled, covering nation and getting pillow under his head. Germany again returned smile, but he was to tired to think straight.

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