Chapter 2

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Ok so I am back, I wanted to let the first chapter settle for a while but now I am going to start updating as normally as I can so here's the next chapter :)


Y/N's P.O.V

I rolled my eyes at both my friends "there is nothing to talk about" they smirked "you and the prince" I rolled my eyes again and walk right past them until Brittney spoke up "really so nothing is going on between you two" I ignored her and started to polish my swords. Brittney was the first person I met when I first got to Nanda Parbat she was smart and a tough girl but not completely skilled like me, Ashley then spoke up "so you have nothing for him" I smile lightly so they don't see "انا لا اعرف" (I don't know). Ashley face palmed, Ashley was completely different from Brittney she was a hopeless romantic and sweet "you know we don't understand you when you speak arabic.

I smirked "I know" they both groaned and dramatically crashed on their beds so I got up and looked at the time it was lunch time so I grabbed both my daggers and put them both on the holsters on my thighs and put my swords on my wall and turned to both my friends and shook my head "let's go it's lunch time" they both got up and ran so I shook my head "they can run to get to lunch but not to training".

 I walked out the room chuckling and as I made my way to the lunch area on my way down I heard voices. As I got closer they became more clearer "so your gonna sit with all the rest of us right" I walked on the other side of the hall of the same three boys I just heard talking and it was Chad and Xavier and Damian.

When I saw Damian with them I looked at them confused and he looked over at me when I walked by and smirked so I smirked back and chuckled lowly and kept walking until I reached the Lunch area. When I got to the doorway there was quite a lot of people there already so I got a tray with an apple and a sandwich and then I got a cup of water and sat by Brittney and Ashley. Once I sat down they stared at me "why aren't you sitting with you boyfriend" I glared at them and they shrunk away a bit so I smiled and started eating.

Damian's P.O.V

I was walking around with Chad and Xavier on our way to Lunch when we past Y/N and I smirked and she smirked back. I turned back around and saw both of them staring at me "what" they both looked back to where Y/N was "since when do you know Y/N, she never let anyone get close to her except Brittney and Ashley" I smirked and we kept walking "do you have a crush on the Y/N" I rolled my eyes and walked ahead of them.

Y/N's P.O.V

I saw Damian walk in so I smiled and I think the girls noticed because they turned to me "sure you don't have a crush" I rolled my eyes and kept eating. I felt someone sit next to me and I looked over to see Damian and then I looked across the table to see Chad and Xavier sitting next to Brittney.

 I smiled "how's your morning going Damian" he smirked "good, your's" I nod "pretty good". We continued to eat and I felt eyes on me so I rolled my eyes picturing my friends and the two boys gapping and staring. Me and Damian talked in the middle of lunch until it came to the end and Talia and Ra's came out and Called Damian up to the front with them.

Soulmates (Damian x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt