Chapter 13

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Previous Chapter - Lina put on a concerned face "are you ok, I didn't hurt you right?" he seemed a little groggy before he passed out and dropped to the floor again and I went to his side and tried to shake him awake before opening his eyes to see them somewhat rolling into the back of his head. Lina leaned down next to me "I might be able to help him" I look at her 'perfect chance to see what she might do so I nod "Let's go"

A/N: Sorry for missing 2 weeks, I had a lot to study for but I am back. Hopefully, I should be able to finish these books by end of May or June but no promises :)


I followed Lina as she lugged her sparing opponent to the infirmary. She places him down on the empty bed and did a simple examination of him which I watched closely. "What do you think it is, don't tell me your punch is so powerful it knocks people out". I tried to say that as jokingly as possible which I think I succeeded in, Lina looked at me and chuckled. "No, but he might not have been feeling well beforehand" she felt around his neck which I paid close attention to.

I carefully made the communication device I use to connect with Talia switch between signals trying to make it seem like someone is contacting me. I saw Lina turn to me "you can take that if you need to" I smiled lightly "sorry I will be right back.

I stepped out into the hall and started lightly whispering playing it off as I was having a conversation. I press myself close to the wall and brought my magic back to my fingers and make the wall see-through for my eyes. She can't see me but I can see her, as I did this I continued lightly speaking.

Lina touched his neck once again and focused on only one spot but pulled out a radio of her own. I worked my magic so I can listen in now as well "Cobra I have defeated number two, what should I do now" I heard her radio go out. "Nothing else, we just need to wait until the scientist get here which they should be arriving soon" the radio went out again.

I saw Lina look over at the guy I examined "should we try the little bit we have left on the first". Cobra was quick to answer back this time "go ahead it will be the trial run" this time the radio turns off for good. Lina goes to the other guy who is still knocked out and she pulls out the same syringe but the fluid looks slightly different.

She puts it through the same holes he already had in his neck then pulls it out and slips the instrument back into her sleeves. I pretend to finish up my conversation at this point so I can head back in there, I see her continue to observe the same guy. I choose then to slowly walk back into the room.

She looks up at me "is everything ok" I nod "just Talia wanting to talk about some new missions" she nodded "I should get going to Cobra now, I hope everything goes well with these two men and that our scientists arrive quickly to help out".

I smiled lightly "I hope so too" she gave me a smile as well making me roll my eyes in my head 'fake, dirty liar'. She gets up and behind to walk towards me so I put up a translucent barrier so she can't stick me even if she tried. Once she walked out I went to take a closer look at the guy she gave a dose of something new.

Soulmates (Damian x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora