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I am Y/N L/N and I joined the League of assassins when I was 11 because I wanted to get away from my parents who were never there for me anyway so I needed to learn how to protect myself and I headed towards the mountains when I heard about Nanda parbat I had to come. I have been here for two years and I am the best assassin they have, I train the hardest and I fight the hardest and I let nothing get in the way. My two best friends here though are always trying to get me to spend more time away form the training hall and more time with them but I always reject. I was walking down the halls when my belt went off and I pressed the radio "yes" I heard Talia voice come through "Y/N, I need you to come to the main hall right away" I pick up my pace "yes mam". When I made my way I walked in "what did you need to see-" I stopped in my tacks and my breath hitched when I saw a boy my age with bright emerald eyes and I snapped out of my trance and turned back to Talia "who is this" she smiled and put a hand on his shoulder "this is my son, Damian".

Ok so I hope you enjoyed the Prologue, The first Chapter will be posted April 28th.

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