Bonus Chapter~

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It was slow. Nothing was happening at a normal pace.

The lights come into view. Blury blotches start to become visable, and I hear their voices clearer and clearer.

It's screaming at first. Chaos and disorder, bickering and shouting. Then it's quiet.

"Sarah....?" My mother is first to speak. For some reason, I'm not able to move, but I can see her....plain as day. I want to reach out to her and answer her, and for the first time ever....I can.  More tears slip from her eyes as she grabs my hand.

"Sarah, it's okay to wake up now" She says. "Mommy's here for you". I want to say something, or do something, but my body just won't budge. Even when I'm awake I'm useless! I can't even comfort my own mother.

The doctor quickly takes off his glasses and rubs his eyes. He doesn't believe it. He had dubbed me doomed from the start, and yet here I am. Awake and well.  He moions to the nurses and they rush me out the room. My mother hovering close by, whispering things in her almost raspy voice.

"Can you here me, darling? Say something" she begs. I try to nod, I try to blink, but it's not happening.  I have no control over this foreign body.

"Sarah!!" She's screaming. Her eyes are surrounded with a dark ring and are framed with wrinkles. Her skin is pale and almost dead. Not at all like it use to be, vibrant and alive.

"Miss, it's no use. She'll have to go through extensive therapy to even begin to blink by herself, let alone speak." a  nurse speaks up, the other nods in a greement. A bit too eager for the gruesome news my poor mother had to bear. But she's not listening, my mother. She's singing. Desperate to reach me, and I'm listening. Desperate to reach back.

"Darling you'll be okay..." She sings over and over. That one repetitive line. 

Darling you'll be okay.

And then I feel it. The warmth from her hands suddenly fill my own, and I'm holding on. She stops singing and waits for more, and there is.

"Mom...." a raspy voice is heard. It's barely audible, but  I know its mine. My mother's eyes grow large. "Sarah! Oh sarah!".

"Mom..." I say again, this time i try to smile but my mouth won't move the way I want it to. "Mom....kin I....ask yew somethin?". The nurses suddenly stop pushing. They're shocked.

"Yes, anything you want, dear!" She smiles and nods, and I blink.

"Whut, colorr arre mah eyes?"

They all stare at me wide-eyed. All except my mother. Instead, she squeezes my hand, licks her  dry  lips, and smiles.

"Brown... you have beautiful brown eyes".

I let my mouth form an awkward smile and fell back asleep, but this time, I knew I'd wake up. This time, there would be no eternal dream to haunt me. This time, I know I'll be okay.

 A/N: know how sequeals to movies are usually never better than the first one?? This story is prolly one of them. It's just a bonus chapter, so if it doesn't connect well with the story, you can ignore it. It was pretty short, but all that needed to happen happened so it's all good u.u

JoyChan out~

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