An Adventurer's Return

Start from the beginning

"Yep, this looks about as creepy and real as it comes." Jack said after some inspection and with some thoughts from Nurm on what it could be saying.

"We know it looks real, but we don't know if it actually works and we can't try it out because we don't have experience with this kind of stuff ." J said motioned to Jesse as he looked a little disappointed.

"How are we going to test it then, without blowing everything up?"

"We've got a friend who can help." Jesse said while smiling at Lukas.

"Who?" Petra asked.

"Hi!" A brown haired girl wearing glasses appeared from a corner of the room. She was wearing a navy blue t-shirt, light blue shorts, gray boots, and had a red highlight in her hair that changed to a light orange color and a closer look at her arm revealed several long scars and a bracelet with black jewels embedded in a silvery purple metal band on her wrist.

"Intruder!" J shouted as he, Jack, and Petra pulled out their swords while Nurm pulled out his iron axes and charged at the girl.

"Eek!" Her highlight turned white as she ran back to the corner and disappeared in the shadow, leaving the others confused.

"Where'd she go?" Petra looked around and saw she had reappeared, hovering right above Lukas and Jesse in a different form that included dyed Elytra wings.

"There she is, get her!" They ran forward before Jesse shouted,

"She's the friend!" and everyone halted to a stop before they could crash into Jesse and Lukas.

"Guys, this is Adrienne, or Addie, Jesse and I met her when we shipwrecked on her island a few weeks ago while fishing and she helped us, in exchange for helping her." Lukas said as they looked up at Addie, confused at her appearance change and the fact that she was floating above their heads. (AN- You can read the chapter 'A New Friend' in my Oneshots book to see how it went down)

"It's a long story." She said quickly as she hovered a bit higher.

"You know you can come down now? We were just startled is all." J said as he sheathed his sword.

"Sorry, I get jumpy around new people especially after 273 years on an island." Addie landed on the ground and shifted back to her original form as Nurm, Jack, J, and Petra gaped at how she did it and what she just said.

"You said you had something that I may be able to help with?" Addie asked, trying to change the subject, and paled a bit when Jesse handed her the book, silent for a few seconds.

"My thousand times great grandfather used to have an entire book of dark magic he used to control and rule over his people, but when he was banished to the island, the book was split up into various pages all over the worlds, this cover and first spell being one of the many missing pieces." Addie explained as she fingered the symbol of her family.

"Do you think that you could use this spell on Reuben, Benedict, and Lluna?" Jesse asked nervously as the trio of companions began to come forward and Addie smiled at them as she petted them.

"Just to be safe, I better try this out on something inanimate since I don't have a lot of practice with my magic." Addie suggested as she picked up a flower pot that contained a red poppy and set it on the floor a little ways past them.

"You all might want to cover your eyes, this might blow up either in an explosion of light or an actual explosion." Everyone ducked behind the treasure pedestals so they could still peek out.

After consulting the book's page, Addie closed her eyes, hovered her hand over the pot, and began to chant something that sounded like gibberish and a bright light shone. When it faded they saw the pot had been transformed into a jukebox and the flower had been changed into a disk, hovering above the jukebox.

"Celebratory music anyone?" Addie asked as she picked up the disc and flipped it in the air before landing it into the jukebox and starting an upbeat music piece.

"That was awesome!" J jumped up and starting clapping.

"It was pretty cool." Petra admitted as she tried to calm J down.

"Agreed." Jack said as he helped Nurm off the ground.

"Now to just do it on them..." Addie looked at Reuben, Benedict, and Lluna with a nervous expression. Until Jesse came over and put a hand on her shoulder assuring her,

"Don't worry, you'll do great."

"That's usually what people say before something goes horribly wrong." Addie said as she got the three companions lined up and hesitated before starting the process again, but this time the light shone so brightly everyone had to cover their eyes to prevent themselves from going blind.

When they uncovered their eyes, there were still some spots in everyone's vision, but when they rubbed their eyes, they heard groaning noises and Jesse had to keep from gasping when she saw who was in front of them.


1605 Words

AN- And I'm going to leave you all on this cliffhanger here for now and there is a reason why Reuben, Benedict, and Lluna are being turned into humans, but that will be revealed later on in the story.

How do you all think I'm doing so far? I'm still working out some events that will happen in the story, but other than that it's just a matter of finding time to type either on my phone or on the computer. That, and I'm still working on the plotlines for the other fandom stories I want to do.

Also, what do you all think of Addie? Since this is my first time writing with my own official OC instead of someone else's, I don't really know how I'm doing.

Well, that's all for now so, until the next chapter, Bye!

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