Well, this is awkward

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I wave my arm off to the right to turn off the alarm but I don't hit any thing. I keep my eyes closed and drop my arm back onto the bed. I feel the sheets, their crisp and clean.......crap, I'm not in my bed. I open my eyes and I'm blinded by bright lights. I blink a few times and look around, the room is circular and large with other beds. Doctors, I'm guessing, were running around doing their jobs. I'm still in the freaking floating boat of death! When will this nightmare end!? The heart monitor on my right is starting to piss me off, so I turn it off so it doesn't flat line. My arm has needles in it and I quickly remove them, ugh, I hate needles. I notice some pressure on my chest and I lift up the sheet. I'm still wearing my black leggings and grey linen shirt, which is pushed up a bit to show my stomach. They took my cloak. My cloak. No one touches my precious.

I need help. I'm mental.

I look up quickly and see a doctor coming over to me. I lye down and pretend to be asleep. I feel the sheet get pushed down and the doctor checks my bandage. I grab his wrist and pull him down and jump out of the bed at the same time. He gives a yelp as his head hits the side of the bed and collapsed onto the floor. Everyone in the room turned and looked at me. I wave,


They charge at me as alarms go off. Time to split. I take off toward the entrance, sliding between a guys legs, taking him down. I knock out a few other's and jump onto a wall and kick off, flipping over the rest. I land lightly and laugh while running toward the door. So close........ the door opens and an agent is standing there and they electrocute me with a tazer! That's not right! That's not ok! I drop to the ground like a bag of dirt.

"We deal with the Black Widow and Hawkeye. You think that we can't handle you?"


I wake up later in a different room and a different bed. This time I'm tied to the bed. Damn, they're learning. I look to my left and see Nick Fury reading a magazine,

"Well......this is akward."

"For someone saying their not a threat, you sure seem like one." He turns a page.

I pull at my bonds trying to break them, "Dude, I just wanted to stay at home, you brought this apon yourself."

He looks at me and puts down the magazine,

"Now Miss.....?"

I snort, "You still want my name? Fine it's Michelle Reign Oakline."

"Oakline. There was an idea to bring together a group of extraordinary people. Shield has done just that. Now we need a new team to help with larger threats. We need a group of younger hero's to train, so when the time comes, they'll be ready."

I stare at him. It makes sense, I mean, the Avengers aren't getting any younger. And I'm sure saving the world is stressful.

"So, you, want me.....to be an 'avenger'?"

"Not necessarily. You will be apart of a younger attack force called S.T.R.I.K.E. Now, Oakline, do we have a deal?"

I think for a minute. It could be a trap... He stands up and untied me from the bed and stands next to the door as I sit up.

"I'll give you some time to think about it."

He looks at his watch,

"You have five minutes."

Than he leaves. I rub my wrists and think, should I take the deal?

The Ranger (A adopted by Avengers story) (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now