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You flipped through the pages of the book Ajeero leant to you and sighed. You were so bored! The only reason you were reading this book was because you had nothing else better to do. You then cried out when Astro kicked the door open. You then fell off your bed and the book fell onto your head (heh, that rhymes.) You frowned and sat up and groaned.

"Ow, Astro! Haven't you ever heard of knocking?" You questioned as you stood up. Astro grinned at you and helped you up.

"Sorry Y/N, it's just that I'm very excited!" Astro exclaimed. You raised your eyebrow at him.

"Uh, excited about what?" You questioned. Astro leaned his face towards yours as a big grin was placed onto his face. He then picked you up and spun you around.

"I'm getting a sister!" Astro cried as he spun you around. Your eyes widened as he threw you up to the air and caught you. "Isn't this exciting!?" Astro questioned as he hugged you. You chuckled and nodded. You then looked at him while Astro still held you.

"Hold up, so you're getting a sister?" Astro nodded.

"Yeah! Dr Oshay is going to make her for me. He said that it's a reward for all of the hard work I've done during the past twenty five years." Astro told. You nodded.

"Yeah, you do deserve an award." Astro smiled while blushing slightly. He then grinned.

"I'm so excited though! Dr Oshay had actually been planning this for a while, so he said he wanted for it to be a surprise but..." You raised your eyebrow and crossed your arms, which was pretty hard to do considering you were in his.

"Let me guess, you wouldn't stop bugging him until he cracked, correct?" Astro chuckled nervously while glancing to the side. He then ran out of the room with you in his arms. Your eyes widened. "Huh? H-hey, where are we going!?" Astro adjusted his hold on you so that he was carrying you bridal style.

"We're going to see Dr Oshay! My new sister should be done by today, that's what he said." Your eyes widened.

"Wait, exactly how long has this been going on?" You questioned. Astro shrugged.

"I dunno, since the beginning of this year?" You sweat dropped at him. You then looked forwards and saw Tobio turn a corner. You then gasped.

"ASTRO! LOOK WHERE YOU'R-" It was too late. Astro's eyes widened as he crashed into Tobio, knocking him over. Tobio cried out as he hit the floor and the books that he was holding dropped to the floor. Astro had tripped and fell to the ground, but he managed to hold you up, leaving you unscathed. Tobio groaned and rubbed his head. You gasped and ran over to Tobio. You then held your hand out to him. "Are you okay?" Tobio looked up at you and his eyes widened. He then gulped and hurriedly collected his books and ran away. You stood there frozen. Had he just run away from you? You turned towards Astro who was getting up. "Am I scary?" You questioned. Astro's eyes widened. He then saw that Tobio had forgotten a book and picked it up.

"You're not scary, Tobio's just shy." You sighed and took the book from Astro's hand. You then looked at the cover and saw that it was a book on quantum physics.

"So, Tobio's studying to become a scientist?" You questioned. Astro nodded.

"Yeah, he's going to take over as the next royal scientist." Astro then looked at the book in your hands. "We should return that to him." You nodded.

"Yeah, I want to talk to him, see how he's going." Astro nodded. He then grabbed your hand and started running towards Dr Oshay's office. From behind another wall, Tobio watched as the two of you ran off. He then sighed and hugged his other books to his chest.

The tale of two guardians (Astro boy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now