A Death In The Family (Joseph)

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Joseph:Aargh!KO?Rad?Enid?Is that you?

Lord Boxman:KO and those three are not coming to save you,Joseph.

Joseph:They will come.

Lord Boxman:It's been six months now,Joseph.I think it's time for you to face facts!

Joseph:Screw you!

Lord Boxman:That's the spirit!You're a real chip-off the ol'losers.Not that it'll do good.

Joseph:Why wouldn't you just kill me?

Lord Boxman:What?Oh no,no,no,no.
I'm not going to kill you.Your not theirs anymore,your my sidekick now.Imagine,you and I running down the streets,starting fights,picking up on the weak?A real dynamic duo!Just like KO's new brother.

Lord Boxman pulled out a photo.

Joseph:No,he wouldn't.

Lord Boxman:You think.So,this isn't KO then?Strange.

Joseph:They betrayed me?

Lord Boxman:Yes.I didn't want to show you that picture.Really.It's the only way to get you to closure.Now I know it hurts but sometimes,you got to be cruel to be kind.

Lord Boxman hit Joseph with a crowbar leading them to another room.

48 hours later....

Lord Boxman:Wakey.Wakey.What's wrong?
Do you think I'm going to hurt you?I'm not the bad guy here.Oh,no,no,no.

Lord Boxman:It's KO and his friends!They abandoned you.Throwed you away like an umwanted puppy.

Lord Boxman (high pitched voice):Oh daddy,can I have him?Oh,please?
I'll take really good care of him.

Lord Boxman:Anything for you,princess.

Lord Boxman snapped his fingers,releasing Joseph,trying to run away.

Lord Boxman:We don't him to end up here, do we?

Lord Boxman (high pitched voice):Oh no,daddy.I wanna keep him forever.


72 hours later....
Caught on tape....

Lord Boxman:Have you got something to tell the nice man Joseph?

Joseph:Kinacaid,Joseph Kinacaid.

Lord Boxman:Who do you hate,Joseph?

Joseph:All of the heroes in Lakewood.

Lord Boxman:Good.You see,Lakewood Losers?He's not yours anymore.He's mine.
Mine.Mine.Mine.To do as I say.

Lord Boxman:I gotta a question:What is the real name of KO?

Joseph:Of course,sir.It's-

Under the Knight-A OK KO StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora