Taka went up and cleared his throat before speaking.

"Kirigiri,we need you for your detective skills. Togami,we need you because you can gather resources that we couldn't and you can control Genocider Syo or Fukawa. Celes,your gambling ability can be used in strategy. As for Naegi,you are our lucky charm. We might need luck on our side"

Everyone switched glances and nodded at the same time.

"You can count on us" they all said.

"As for the defense squad?" Taka asked.

"We're ready!" They said while holding..guns?!


"Chill dude,it's just toy guns. We just wanted to show that we're ready" Leon sweatdropped.

"I do not need such things. My powers and the Dark Devas are enough to teach that horrific mortal a lesson" Gundham said while Sonia clapper her hands in the background.

"Alright. Let's start strategizing!" Mondo said.

We all huddled up on a table, listening to Kyoko's plan.

"So,we don't know anything about the meds that Junko asked for. My guess is if it's not poison,then it would be a hypnotizing one. We don't know who and how she will give the meds so we must stay in high alert. Defense squad,you must always guard Chihiro and be cautious because either one of you can become the target. For the rest of us,i'm pretty sure that Junko doesn't know about us siding to Chihiro so we must try to keep it like that. Because the senior is a pharmacist,i'm guessing that the meds will only take a few days tops. In the meantime,we'll take shifts on guarding Chihiro. Is everyone clear?"

"What about class? Me,Gundham, and Souda are from class 77 and the distance is a bit too far to help guard Chihiro" Sonia said.

"Ah,that is right! We also can't just skip class. It is against school rules!" Taka added.

Kyoko tapped the table softly. She was taking in what Sonia and Taka said and searched for a solution.

"We have no choice then. I will ask the headmaster. I'm sure if we have his permission, we will be able to act freely even during class" Kyoko sighed.

"But Kyoko,he's..." Naegi said while touching her shoulder. A look of worry was on his face.

"It's alright,Naegi. Protecting Chihiro is more important right now. Besides,i have something to talk about with him as well. I must go now" Kyoko said. She then left the room to go and meet the principal,her father.

"Guys,what do we tell Hifumi and Hagakure?" Sayaka asked.

"We don't. They will just be a burden if they ever lay their hands on this mission" Celes smiled.

"Their brains are even smaller than ants" Togami added.

"I doubt that Hifumi would care. As for Hagakure,you know how he is. He's dumb so we can trick him and we're done. Easy" Leon said.

"Leon,that's rude"

Sure,i agree that they can be...a handful sometimes,but that doesn't mean we can talk badly about them behind their backs.

"I wonder how Kyoko is doing..." Naegi said while looking at the door. What is it that Kyoko wanted to talk about with Mr.Jin?

Kirigiri's POV

I knocked on my father's door since Ms.Yukizome was nowhere to be seen.

"Come in" he said. I opened the door then locked it when i was already inside.

"What brings you here,Kyoko? If you locked the doors,then that means this is serious business" he said while staring at me. I just sighed and took a seat in front of him.


"Father. Or dad,it's up to you. No need to be so formal,Kyoko"

I shook my head. This was no time for playing games but i did what he said.

"Father....i need to tell you something extremely important"

"What is it?"

"The despair sisters are inside this school"

"Who are they?"

I gave him a map filled with datas of Junko and Mukuro.

"These girls?"

"Yes. I believe that Mukuro is just a servant who was forced to obey every order that Junko gives"

"How can you say that?"

"Junko is targetting Chihiro as we speak. We got information from Mukuro that they kidnapped Seiko Kimura to make Junko a medicine that can help her destroy Chihiro. We don't know what the medicine will do but i am sure that it will be very dangerous"

He took another map from his drawer and read it.

"This here is the report of what happened between Chihiro, Mondo, and Junko. According to what i've read,Junko will take on a whole new level of revenge every time she fails. If that is true, then it's possible that the meds will give us real trouble"

I told him all about Chihiro's defense squad and the new allies. I told him our plan,including the one where i said that i'll ask the headmaster for permission.

"I agree to this mission. Protect Chihiro at all cost. He is the key of making the Neo World Program. We need him to stop the despair from destroying the world but don't forget to also protect yourselves. I will not let anyone in this school die. I will take care of the 'Kamukura Project' and find out everything i can. Remember,do not tell anyone about this. This can cause unwanted panic that makes the despair sisters at advantage"


I then stood up and went out of his office to tell everyone that he gave us permission. I will do everything i can to stop the despair from turning the world upside down.

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