The Battle

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Suddenly Alice attacks Aro, kicking him in the chin, sending him flying, but he manages to land on his feet, ordering his guards to take hold of Alice. "Take her away." Alice tries to turn, but she is grabbed by the guards. The Cullens become angry as they see Alice being pulled back into the crowd.

"Let her go." Carlisle runs forward to attack, he, knocking the few guards who came toward him out of the way, and Aro meet each other mid-air, seeing Aro land on the ground with Carlisle's decapitated head in hand, we all watch in horror as Caius burns Carlisle's body, this causes all of us and the wolf packs to launch into an attack. Chaos breaks out as the two groups come together, with both sides undergoing deaths.

Our odds take a turn for the worst, I watch on as Garrett is getting beat before I can jump on the back of the Volturi soldier taking him down, allowing Garrett to recover. "You're not getting out of your promise that easily." I chuckle softly as Garrett and I fight together, knocking a few opponents to the other before killing them.

"I was just letting him think he had the upper hand."

Then Benjamin punches the ground, causing a large crack to open. Both sides take advantage of this and knock whoever they can into it. Suddenly, I drop to the ground letting out a loud cry of pain, no doubt this is Jane's doing. As I lay on the ground screaming in pain I can see Emmett kill Alec, at which point the pain lifts and I crawl back to my feet, going after Jane, knocking her to the ground. Alice soon joins me as we drag Jane to one of the wolves, allowing him to kill her himself. Soon after this Marcus and Caius join the fight. The next thing I know I see Caius going for Garrett, I jump onto his back but get thrown off. I did distract him long enough for Garrett to kick him to Kate, who grips his neck, shocking him enough to make him drop to his knees before Tanya pulls his head apart. Vlad and Stefan see a chance to take out Marcus, who seems all too happy to meet his end.

When Aro joins in he goes straight for Bella, who is joined by Edward, after she is thrown across the battlefield into him. Garrett and I continue to fight alongside each other. "Nice to know you can hold your own on a battlefield."

"What do you think a woman can't?"

"No, I'm just still getting over the fact you're not the clumsy woman I meet."

"Time changes a person abilities." I wish I could use my powers to help us, but they would just draw attention to the battle, putting more people in danger. Our battle ends as quickly as it started when Edward and Bella kill Aro, sitting him on fire, with the others retreating once the last guard is dead.

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