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First person•

I sighed again, as it was yet another casual day back at school. Adjusting my blazer, I grabbed my backpack and headed towards my front door before waving a goodbye to my Mum.

As I walked to school, I plugged in my earphones and listened to RM's Always. Listening to music had always brought me peace; it also inspires me.

It seemed that the music had brought me to too much peace as I began hallucinating to my own word. While crossing the road, I heard a car honking it's horn constantly at me.

As I screamed, I squeezed my eyes shut before someone had quickly pulled me aside. We landed on the hard pavement in an awkward position.

I slowly opened my eyes, being met face to face to a handsome young boy.

"STUPID KIDS! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!!" The old man from the car yelled at us, before driving off. Rude.

The boy let out a little 'ahem' before, I realised the position we were in. I immediately got up and brushed off my clothes, before walking off.

"Well that's rude. You're walking off without thanking me after I saved your life." The boy spoke, following me.

I stopped on my tracks to mumble a quiet 'thanks' before walking off again. However, he still followed behind me. Is this guy tryna stalk me to school now? Trying to maintain my anger, I stopped once again and turned around.

"Why the heck are you following me? I said thanks. What more do you want?" I spoke with annoyance.

"Wow you really are stupid. I go to the same school." He replied, laughing.

"Same school? I haven't seen you before? Are you some new kid?"

"Yeah. Hwang Hyunjin."

"Well then Hwang Hyunjin, as it's your first day, I suggest you hurry up to school if you don't wanna be late."

"Wow I guess you're not so dumb after all." He ended before we continued walking to school.


I finally approached my first class, Maths and that Hyunjin guy was still following me. Does he have the same classes as me too?

As we entered the classroom, I heard many whispers coming from my classmates.

Oh my godjihyo, the new guy is actually attractive~
Wow he's really handsome~
He's hella cute~

Trying to ignore the whispers, I apologised to my teacher before sitting down at my seat, which was beside the window. Hyunjin, however walked to the front to introduce himself.

I dazed off, looking outside the window as the sky was really clear today. I didn't give a shit about the new kid; I don't see me being friends with him anytime soon and neither would I want to talk to him again, so I ignored his boring introduction. However, the teachers statement immediately caught my attention.

"Thank you for the introduction Hyunjin. Your seat is at the back, by the window."

I furrowed my eyebrows, as he approached my seat. I crossed my arms and looked at him in the eye.

"Mate, this is my seat. I ain't moving." I threatened. Unexpectedly, Hyunjin places his hands on my desk and leaned forward. His face was inches from mine.

"Wow, not only are you stupid you're rude too. Sorry but this is my seat now" He chuckled. His attitude made me even more angrier and pissed.

"Listen, Hwang Hyunjin. This is my seat and I ain't moving. If you really wanna sit in this specific place, then sit on the floor instead, I ain't getting my ass off this chair!" I yelled at him.


"Oh shut up you ugly witch." I spoke simply before raging out the classroom.

Well I made no changes with my attitude on the first day back since half term. Especially with this new kid in this school, pissing me off, it ain't gonna be easy.


"Mum i'm home." I informed my mum before plopping myself onto the sofa. My mum walked into the living room, and placed a box of chocolates onto the dining table.

"Get ready, we are going to visit our new neighbours that moved in a few days ago." She commanded. I tiredly walked to my room and picked out a casual and simple outfit.

I slipped into my converses and walked out with my mum as she picked up the box of chocolates

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I slipped into my converses and walked out with my mum as she picked up the box of chocolates.

As I rang the doorbell, the door was quickly opened by a lady who looked a similar age as my mum. We greeted the lady, as she took the box of chocolates and welcomed us inside. She seemed nice to be honest.

"Thank you for coming over, it is the first time we've had someone visit us." She thanked us.

"Ah yes, me and my daughter just came to welcome you to the neighbourhood, as it is the first time someone had moved into this house." My mum spoke.

"Thank you once again. Also, your daughter is really beautiful." She complimented, smiling at me. I gently smiled back before going back to my resting bitch face. "Oh by the way, I have a son, maybe I can introduce him to you?"

"Yes go ahead..."

"Hyunjin! Come downstairs we have some guests!" She called out. Shit, I thought. Hyunjin lives here? Well that's my day gone even worse.

As hyunjin entered the living room, he pushed back his hair and greeted my mum. I however, tried to avoid him and looked away.

Instead, he walked towards my direction and grinned at me before letting out his hand.

"We've met before, but I don't know your name still." He muttered. I falsely smiled back and stood up, to shake his hand.

"Hwang Hyunjin right? I'm Park Hana."


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