Life without Thea

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Lukas Point of View

It's been four years since Thea's visit. She's trying to send our mother into Tarturus. Apparently time is a lot different where she is. She hasn't given me any sign that she succeeded. I hope to the gods she succeeds. I've killed Draco and everyone that followed him. I've been on the road for two days. I've done a part of what Thea asked, find a piece of the world to make it my own. I still haven't found my mate but my wolf hasn't told me to leave. I stopped the car in front of a checkpoint. A police officer walked to my car. "Identification and proof of insurance," he grunted. I took a deep breath smelling his scent. He was a werewolf, part of the Wolfclaw pack. I knew that he couldn't smell me. Thea had taught me how to mask my scent. I handed him what he wanted and leaned against the seat. "Lukas Michaelson? Dyed your hair recently?" he asked. "No sir, just letting my natural hair have a go." The cop handed my license to his partner. "Reason for coming to Alaska?" These guys are nosy. "Just moved here two weeks ago. I'm headed home," I said. His partner came back and gave me my license. "You can go." I drove away turning into the dock. I got out and handed my ticket to the Ferryman. "Kinda weird for a city boy to move out here," he said to me. I shrugged. My town was small, we didn't live in the city but it wasn't like Alaska. " I'm Billy. How'd your folks handled you moving out here?" I stared in confusion until I realized that he was practically the same age as me. "Lukas and my parent's are dead." He nodded and walked to the edge of the ferry to untie it from the dock. I leaned against my car and stared at the water as we left the dock. I pulled out my wallet, taking out a photo of Thea and our band. We were all smiling and drunk. "The blonde's a beaut. She your girl?" Billy asked. "My sister. How long til we arrive?" I asked. "Bout 14 minutes. You're not a talker are you?" I said nothing and put back the photo. I ran my fingers through my hair and closed my eyes. -Where are you Thea?-

I arrived at my cabin just as the sun was beginning to set. Home sweet home. It was a simple cabin, one bedroom, a very large bathroom, and a decent sized kitchen that has and will never be used. I parked my car in the garage and went straight to the fridge grabbing a beer, I sat in the chair in front of the fireplace and stared at the dark room. A flash of bright yellow Light caused the room to light up. I stared emotionless at Apollo as he stood beside me. "Hello Lukas. Your sister cannot hear you, at least not yet. I'd ask how are you but judging by that beer I'd say shitty." I finished my beer and went to grab another one. "What do you want Apollo?" "I don't want anything you have, I am here because Thea needs your help," he said. I spun around," Is she okay?" He raised his hand, "She's fine, what I meant was that Thea will need your help. There is a prophecy, that states Thea will determine which side will win in the impending war, both sides want Thea. She will need your help to stay sane as well as fight. It is up to her to decide if the universe survives or is destroyed and overtaken by the enemy." "Whose enemy? Yours? The gods?" I asked. "Everyone's, there is an ancient being that stirs, Something is trying to wake it. Now my oracle cannot see who is trying to wake this ancient creature or what this ancient creature is, she can feel that they hate humans and the gods. We have a common enemy Lukas and they want your sister. If she isn't strong enough by the time this world starts they will kill her." The urgency in his voice made it clear that the threat was real. Yet I still didn't know what he wanted me for? " Why does she need my help?" I opened the beer and watched him inspect my home. "Your the only one that she loves. Her mate Rogen is close to finding his new mate, and Thea will soon begin to forget the love she had for him, then the only thing she will have in the human world will be you. You need to be the rock," he said to me. He was right, if Thea got over Rogen, I'd be the only thing she'd care about. Her pack had no memory of Thea so she no longer had a tie to them. " I'll be whatever Thea needs me to be" I said. Pleased with my answer he disappeared, leaving my room dark once more. I sighed and put down the beer, I needed a run. I walked out of the cabin and shifted into my wolf, I wasn't as big as Thea, but I was larger than a normal Beta. I was roughly the same size as Rogen but leaner and not as muscular. I prided myself at being the fastest in the pack beside Thea. I began running wary of the boundaries of the Wolfclaw pack. I didn't want them knowing that a lone werewolf lived near them. I began picking up my speed and began running faster and faster. Once my wolf was satisfied I ran back to the cabin, my stomach growling for food. I should really learn how to cook instead of driving into town for food. I changed into jeans, brown boots, and a thick flannel. I got in my car and drove into town.

It was getting late by the time I arrived into town. The air was becoming icy cold, and it looked like it would start to snow. I parked my car and placed Thea's dagger up my shirt sleeve. Warm hot air and the smell of food welcomed me as I entered the Diner. "Take a seat anywhere hun, I'll be with you soon," a waitress said. She was roughly 40 years old with a kind face and a warm vibe to her. I took a seat in the corner, which gave me a view of the whole Diner. "What can I get you?" a waitress my age asked. She gave me a flirtatious smile and inspected me. "Steak Dinner and a beer please," I said shifting uncomfortable. My wolf didn't acknowledge her as a potential mate. She nodded and left. I watched outside as three men inspected my car. Another man joined them and they all entered the diner. Their scent reached me and I internally cussed, great four wolfs from the wolfclaw pack and one looks like a wanna be Alpha. The leader of the group looked in my direction and motioned his friends to follow. "You're new. You gotta pay to sit here," he said to me. I looked at him my eyes staring directly into his, "Yea it's called a bill." A few of the customers laughed, causing him to growl. "Connor! Don't you start something in my Diner!" the cook said. The leader or Connor spun around, "Who the hell do you think you're talking to!" I let out a sigh as he turned his attention back at me. "okay smart ass, give me your money and I don't kick your ass." I smirked, "I'm not giving you shit." He growled again and placed his hand on my shoulder gripping it tight. "Let go of me." He smirked and gripped my shoulder harder. In a flash I had him pinned down against the table with the dagger pressed against his neck. One of his friends reached to grab me but I kicked him in the chest sending him down. "You're going to get up and leave, understood?" I asked. I pressed the dagger into his neck. "Okay!!" he said. I let him go and he and his friends left, the one I kicked being carried out.

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