chapter 20

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This was the day you were going to talk to Jack how you feel about him and probably get rejected because he's with another girl." holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit" is what you were thinking when you arrived at school "hey y/n" said angel "hey angel sorry for making you leave yesterday you were just trying to help" "its fine you needed some space so you still mad at Jack?" "i dont know im going to talk to him today" "oh did you see his post?" "yeah i got a notfication" "i thnk he really feels bad" you looked down at the floor because you felt guilty for making him feel this way "i really dont know what to talk to him about i just want to see his Brown eyes and his hair move in the wind and his soothing kind of squeaky voice" angel laughed a Little from the last thing you said and you chuckled "so when are you goignt o talk to him?" "you ask to many questions angel" "seriously when?" "ummm right now i think?" "then go where ever your going to go you stupid" you gave her a weak smile and headed outside to the maple tree.You waited a couple of minutes and nothing "Maybe he's not coming" you said as you walked around the tree "Y/N?" you Heard someone say you looked and it was him "Jack"you whispered "oh y/ so sorry" he said pulling you in a tight hug.You hugged him and then you let go "are you still mad at me" he said looking down but it wasnt a question it was a statement which ment he thinks your mad at him "im not mad Jack" "can you forgive me?" he said taking a step foward to you making be about 2 feet away from you "of course i can forgive you Jack" he took another step "i dont like her y/n she made me she pressured me" you looked at him and he wasnt lying he was regreting everything "im sorry if i sometimes get mad at you for no fucking reason im sorry for ditching you im sorry for screaming at you im sorry y/n.." every Word he said hit you like bullets was he really saying sorry...DID HE EVEN SAY SORRY TO ANYONE IN THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD did he even mean it?. You both were centimeters apart and you couldnt help but stare into his Brown eyes and he stared back at you "Jack...." "yes?...." there was silence which felt like it was going to last forever "i love you and its ok if you dont l-" he stoped you with a kiss.A kiss you always wanted from him he then pulled away "i love you too" your heart stoped for a couple of seconds "can you show me how to shoot a gun" he smiled and pulled one out of his pocket "well thats not safe" then he got a can from the ground and put it on top of a large rock close to the tree then he came up behind you and handed you the gun then he picked your arms up along with the gun and aimed at the can..................... "aim....and shoot" The end

OH MY GOD ITS FINISHED HOLY SHIT its not the end tho......BTW my life is tearing into peices because im not going to see my friends anymore which is making me feel miserable because im moving school's and im going to be a newbie and ill only have one friend shit.

Aim And shoot!(jack dylan grazer)Where stories live. Discover now