chapter 5-Listen to me

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You ate the chips jeaden gave you and you fell asleep and when you woke up there was no one in the car.You looked around and you were at a gas station then you saw them come out the building.They were all laughing like if this was a normal thing.They opened the car doors and sat down "oh great your awake" said Jack.You gave him a fake smile."Do you still have the gun i gave you?" "yeah" "ok give it to me" you gave it to him and he threw it out the window "why did you do that?" "you know you ask to many questions" you roled your eyes "Here we got you donuts" said finnwhile handing you the donuts "we didnt know which one you wanted so we got all of them"he said while smiling "you know you guys are pretty nice are you sure your a gang?" they all just looked at you thenout the window."Jack" said fin while looking at the computer "their tracking us" "HOW" he responded in a mad way "I dont know oh shit they must have put a chip under the car" Jack stoped the car and got out and so did wyatt "we cant see it" "ill try"you said while getting out the car.You got under the car and saw something glowing "here it is but its to deep in the car i cant grab it with my bare fingers" "here" said wyatt while giving a tool "ok i got it out" you stood up and showed Jack "throw it as far as you can" "ok" you threw it as far as you can and saw a Little explosión "uhhhhhh" "just get in" said Jack.Jack started driving and you recieved a call "dont pick it up y/n" said finn "why?" "listen to me and dont do it" you looked at who it was and it was angel "but its my friend" "OK PICK UP IF YOU WANT OUR RIVALS TO TRACK US FROM THE PHONE CALL AND DIE!" you looked at him and gave hima adeath stare that made him shut up."ok were here" you looked outside the window and it was a hotel "so were ganna stay here?" "yeah". you walked in and jeaden checked you guys in.You walked to your room and closed it "finally peace and quiet" you sadi while laying down on the bed.* knock knock* "ugh its open" "hey y/n" "hey jeaden" "Jack told me to give you this gun just incase" "thanks umm now please leave" "ok night y/n" "night"  " great i didnt get cloths" you fell asleep and Heard a knock on the balcony of the room then you looked and it was a black figure but you couldnt clearly see.Then you Heard "ok shes here lets go" you turned around and grabed your gun and aimed at the figure then you could clearly see who it was but it was no one you knew.They pulled out a gun too and aimed at you.You quickly got under the bed and you Heard an exxplosion in the room "WHERE ARE YOU!" "shit" you Heard them go look in the restroom so you took that as an advantage and got out the room and ran to jacks room "y-y/n what are you doing?" he said in a sleepy voice that made him sound adorable "Theres some one in my room" "who?" "i dont know" he pulled out a gun and got out of bed.You headed to your room with your gun loaded and ready to shoot "Jack im scared" "dont worry just stay behind me its my job to protect you" Then you Heard gunshots coming out of your room.Jack took your arm and made you run in your room and then covered you incase they shot you.Then you Heard him shoot somebody and you Heard someone hit the floor then you looked over and it was one of your ex boyfriends "Noah?" "you know him y/n?!" "yeah but i didnt know he ever did this" "look away y/n" "why?" "just do it" you looked away and you Heard a gunshot and you flinched at the sound of the gun.A tear fell down when you saw what Jack did "im sorry y/n i had too" He shot noah in the chest."we need to go y/n come on" You were so tromitized that you couldnt move.Jack hugged you and covered your face so you wouldnt see noah dead."So you your just ganna kill him just like that?" you Heard a voice from outside and it wasnt jeaden, wyatt,finn or Jack it was a deep chilling voice that gave you goosebumps.Jack looked up and froze.You looked at the man but you didnt know who he was all you felt is jacks wormth against you.Jack grabbed you and ran into the other room where the rest of the boys were "GUYS GET UP NOW!THERE HERE!" they all got up and ran out the room "y/n listen to me your going to be ok your going to see stuff you cant unsee but im here ok y/n" you nod and you ran with him out the door and into the car"guys are the bombs ready?" "yeah" said jeaden.You Heard a gunshot and flinched at the sound and saw the gunshot hit the window glass close to Finn "Fin are you ok?" you asked looking at him "im fine it didnt go completely thru" Jeaden handed you a bomb "throw it out the window when i tell you too" "ok" you roll down the window "THROW IT" you threw it and it exploded almost exploding the building."are you ok y/n?" asked Jack while grabing your hand "yeah im fine" "how did you know who that person was?" "he was my ex boyfriend" "oh im sorry you had to see that y/n""its fine i need to get used to seeing these things if im going to join you" "so your considering joining us?" "yeah" Jack smiled a real smile not a fake one."Thank you Jack for saving me" "its no problem y/n"

Aim And shoot!(jack dylan grazer)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum