Chapter 30

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(Summayah woke up the next day feeling weak but better than yesterday, she saw jamiu bringing in a tray into her room.)

Jamiu:Salam Alaikum, Summayah. How are you feeling right now. (He dropped the tray on the table and moved closer to her, he placed his hand on her forehead to check if she was still having a high temperature.)

Summayah:Walaykum salam,i am fine. (She said weakly).

Jamiu:Alhamdulilah, okay let's eat. I prepared pap for you.

Summayah:I amnt hungry.

Jamiu:Do you want me to force you? Summayah, do you know what they call ulcer?

Summayah:I do.

Jamiu:I guess you don't know, there is a guy that almost died in my school just because of ulcer. You don't eat and it is very bad, i am not going to listen to your 'I'm not hungry.'

Summayah:I am seriously not hungry.

Jamiu:Lets do this, i would feed you and you would do the same for me.

Summayah:(Smiled) Seriously?


Summayah:I amnt a chid, i can eat by myself.

Jamiu:To me you are still a child because that's how you behave.

Summayah:What? If i wasn't sick, i would have beaten you up. How can you say i behave like a child?

Jamiu:So you are a child, Summayah. So that we would be able to eat, let's feed ourselves and in no time we would finish this pap.

Summayah:I know you won't back out, but seriously i am... (before she could finish talking, jamiu had already scooped the spoon into her mouth.)

Jamiu:(Laughs) Let's eat quietly.


(They feed each other in silence and Summayah was on the verge of vomiting, he stopped and quickly gave her some water. He patted her back and she was a little bit relieved,then he talked:)

Jamiu:Summayah,what happened to you and why didn't you get to meet azeezat before she left.

Summayah:With the questioned asked, it was as if she was hit by a bomb. (All the tears she has been trying to fight back flowed out freely and she couldn't stop crying, she couldn't tell him the reason she was beaten.)

Jamiu:(He tried to console her but he couldn't stop her.) Summayah, just tell me everything.

Summayah:I..I...(She stammered and jamiu quietly moved towards her and hugged her.)

Jamiu:I am your husband, you should tell me what is bothering you. (He wiped her tears.)I hate to see you cry,just tell me please.

Summayah:I couldn't meet her because i was locked up in the store room.

Jamiu:Locked up?

Summayah:I was locked up by mum just because of Je... (She couldn't complete her sentence when jamiu's phone beeped indicating he had a message,he quickly checked it out.)

Jamiu:We have a test today? (He quickly looked up from his phone and called his friend immediately.)

(Summayah couldn't understand why jamiu was so tensed all of a sudden, she didn't know what the other person he called was talking about. His reply was why didn't you tell me since yesterday and okay. Summayah was sure he was very worried, when he cut the call she asked him what the problem is.)

Summayah:What Is the problem.

Jamiu:My friend just sent a message telling me we have a test in the afternoon.

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