Chapter 4: I'm Not An Angel

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Stiles was one of the only people that Alec had hold his stele and  that might seem strange to some people considering that Stiles wasn't a shadowhunter, but being a spark had its own special nature. He could if need be hold and use a stele although he often preferred not too. It made him feel weird to be without his other half. He missed the comfort of having him close by and the trust that was a constant between the two like trusting the other with an important weapon.
    Stiles looked down at the pen in his hand and flipped it between his fingers. It was day two of being back at Beacon High and he already felt like skipping not that he would he had made a promise to never skip again.
     The pack always was staring at him in class and he was beginning to feel uncomfortable. They are such assholes and of course they had send a little puppy looking one to talk to him. Liam was his name Stiles took in the kids appearance. He looked friendly enough and almost looked fearful.
     He stood in front of Stiles shifting his weight from foot to foot. He rung his hands and if Stiles was a were he bet the boy stunk of anxiety. "Your invited to the pack meeting tonight. You should come it's at 5pm and we still hold them at Derek's loft. I think you should know where that's at if you don't I don't know the address so I will have to go back and ask Scott."
    Stiles held his hand up stopping the boy from continuing to ramble. Sure it was the friendliest any of the pack had been, but still this felt like this was totally a trap. Honestly it was basically a 100% thing at this point. "I know where to go pup. So what kinda trap is this?"
     The blond looked at him is surprise, "I'm not sure I'm just a messenger and you know the saying don't shoot the messenger well I'm that guy. So, could you please not kill me or like do anything to take revenge on what Scott has done."
     Stiles hummed softly and looked at the boy. He was so young about the age that Stiles was when this all began. He didn't deserve this at all. "Can't you guys make up your minds? Lydia told me to stay away and now I'm invited to a pack meeting after I was kicked out of said pack."
      Liam looked even more uncomfortable, "I'm not sure, I guess."
      Stiles snorted. They really couldn't make up their minds after all. He looked at the younger man and raised his eyebrow, "Aren't you going to head back to the pack?"
     Liam sighed, "I can't leave without an answer."
    Stiles looked in the boys eyes, "Tell Scott to go fuck himself, but I will be there. Tell them all that Stiles isn't going to take their shit and if they even think about attacking me I will hang their balls over my door ways like mistletoe at   Christmas time. Tell them if they talk, look at, or even think about doing either of those things to my dad I will end them. Now, take care and have a nice day you seem like a nice kid."
    Liam nodded quickly then ran back to where the pack was sitting.
      It was about 5 when Stiles when finally got up to go to the pack meeting he really didn't want to, but sometimes you got to do what you got to do plus kicking some werewolf ass would be fun if it came to that. Stiles got in the new and approved Jeep. It would be a quick drive so he decided to call Magnus during it.
     It rang twice before the other man answered, "I'm drinking what do you want?"
    Stiles smiled, "Miss you to Magnus. I'm about to go to a pack meeting I guess."
   The other man hummed and answered sharply, "Why are you hanging out with those mutts again?"
   Stiles laughed, "I'm not sure really. I'm more curious to what the hell they want more than anything besides I thought if they acted up I could get some justified revenge via some pranks."
    Stiles could hear the grin in his best friend's voice, "Would you like some help?"
   Stiles smirk, "Always."
    Getting to Derek's Stiles felt extremely excited after all he was going to get to have some fun and see his bestie while he was at it. Win win.
     He got to the door and he almost could keep the grin off his face. He knocked only once. The door was answered quickly by Scott. He glared and waved Stiles inside quickly Stiles looked around it looked about the same with a few more couches in the room. Derek was no where to be found, but Scott and the gang was all there. This was going to be to perfect.
    Stiles took a seat making it the closest to the door. He couldn't wait for this!
     Scott growled at him and spat, "Why did you leave?"
     Stiles smiled sarcastically, "To visit family."
     Scott's eyes narrowed with anger, "Why'd you stay gone?"
    Stiles snorted and shrugged, "Because I wanted too."
    The pack looked at him closely all but Liam who looked down at his feet. Stiles smiled and spoke, "Well this has been nice, but really it hasn't and I'm kinda tired of this bullshit. There's an evil presence in this town as the resident pack it's your job to fix that. I'm going to go now and take care of my father when he is better he and I will be leaving permanently."
    The lights began to flicker after he said evil and the ground shook. A portal opened up and a being began to float above the pack black wings illuminated the room. Magnus chuckle felt the room. The pack curled into the corner of the room fangs out.
    Stiles couldn't stop himself from laughing it felt the room and the lights turned back on.
    Scott shouted, "What the hell Stiles. Did you do that?"
   He shook his head and Magnus walked up from behind them flashing his catlike eyes he purred, "That would be me."
    Scott snarled, "What the fuck are you?"
   Magnus touched his chest and asked sarcastically, "Who me? Oh, I'm the High Warlock of Brooklyn."
    Scott huffed, "As if."
    Magnus walked over beside Stiles, "I'm also this assholes best friend so I would watch out."
   A voice called from the ceiling, "Can I get down now?"
   Magnus snapped his fingers and Alec was lowered to the ground. He walked over to Stiles and hugged him tightly. Scott growled, "Get out now! Your no angel Stiles what goes around come around."
    Stiles smiled as he walked out squeezing the black haired boys hand, "Oh me, I'm no angel, but he sure is."


Stiles's Other Half (A Stalec Story) {Stiles Stilinski and Alec Lightwood}Where stories live. Discover now