New School (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

The first few periods were easy.

English, no problem.
Math, piece of cake!
History, nailed it.
Geography, no sweat!

I couldn't wait for my two science classes, but first there was the nightmare for new students.


I was already wearing the contact, but now was the real time to test it out.

"Ready, Thursday?" I ask as softly as possible.


I turn on the contact and walk in to the cafeteria. Some groups turn to look at me. The new kid.

You've got this (Y/n)! You're a Stark for crying out loud. Of course, they can't know that, but y'know... 

Immediately, the 'popular' chicks are outlined in red, but I probably would've been able to tell with all the clown make-up. The super nerds, the ones who are so bad, it's gross, are outlined in red too, so I steer clear of them. I flash everyone my best Stark smile, and I spot two ordinary groups. One is a semi-crowded table with girls, and the other only has three people. A girl with curly hair, and two boys.

For some reason, I start walking towards the group of three.

"Hi! Um, could I sit here?" I ask gesturing towards the empty seat next to the girl.


We all turn to look at the girl with the curly hair. She sighs, " look, you're a pretty girl. You could literally sit with anyone. Why choose us? Really, you don't want to do that to yourself.

I smile, "I don't know, you guys look alright to me. But if you don't want me to sit here, that's fine."

"No, no, it's fine. You can totally sit here." One of the guys gives a nervous smile. He was pretty cute, in a dorkish kind of way. 

The girl sighs, "don't say I didn't warn you."

"Thanks!" I sit down, "I'm (Y/n) Johnson."

"Peter," the cute-dork replies, "Parker."

"I'm Ned."


They all introduce themselves as we begin to eat.

" you guys have any hobbies?" I ask, attempting to start a conversation, "anything you like to do?"

"I like science. Well, it is a science school but-"

"You like science too? That's awesome! That's my next period. Advanced Science." I cut in.  However, I think I said it in a cool way. Hopefully not like a dorky-bubbly-little kid.

"Me too! That's awesome!" Peter flashes a big grin, like a little kid on Christmas, then he coughs.

"Smooth." Michelle mutters.

Peter clears his throat, "anyways, I walk with you if you want."

"Sure." I flash him a Stark signature smile. "How long until we have to be at our next class?"

Ned looks on his phone for the time, then his eyes widen in fear, "not long."

We all quickly stand up, put our food away, and start to head to our classes.

The walk with Peter is kind of awkward. We just met, so there wasn't much to talk about.

"So..." I attempt, "what's your favourite science?"

He looks up and thinks for a bit, "I don't know. I'm pretty good at chemistry. What about you?"

"Computer Science. I'm a bit of a tech genius. I get it from my dad. And my mom."

"That's cool. What does your dad do?"


"He's um, he's, uh..." What was it? What was it?

"Construction worker" Thursday says in my ear

"Construction worker! He's a construction worker. We moved here from Oregon for his job. The, um, computer stuff is mostly a hobby. I mostly get it from my mom."

"Smooth," whispers Thursday into my ear.

"That's cool. I hear that place is nice." Peter smiles, "what does your mom do?"

My Stark smile fades, but I try to force a small one back on, "she was a scientist. A really good one too. She was going to change the world."


The smile disappears completely, "she died when I was six. From a rare disease."

We walk a bit in silence before Peter hesitantly puts his hand on my shoulder, "I'm sorry. That's rough. I know what it's like to lose people you care about."

"More than one, huh?"

"Yeah, my parents died in a plane crash when I was about six too. And I lost my uncle Ben a while ago."

I bite my lip, "wow, that's...that's horrible. That actually sucks. Guess we both have had our fair share of bad luck, huh?"

He has a small chuckle, which brightens my spirits. It's adorable. Actually adorable.

Wait, what?

"I guess so." He replies, "here we are, the Advanced Science classroom. C'mon, I'll show you around"

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