Task #2: Detention

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Task #2: Detention

Person A and person B first meet in detention after school; one or both are there because they were covering for other people.

I've had a bit of writers block for the past few days, plus I've been celebrating the Fourth of July for three days without my phone, so I'm sorry if it's kinda crappy.


The last bell usually signaled a good thing: the end of school for the day. Go home, finish homework, and play video games? Heck yea! But not that Thursday.

That Thursday was the day I had detention.

You probably don't understand why detention was such a big deal for me. Half an hour of cleaning the hallways (which is what our school's idea of detention was) wasn't so bad. The worst thing you had to do was scrape the gum off the side of the lockers.

But to me, it was the principle.

No, not the principal that sits in the office all day, the idea kind of principle.

I never did anything bad. Ever. I never talked out of turn, I never shot spitballs at the teacher, I always did my home and school work, I just never did anything bad.

I admit it, I was a bit of a wuss. Getting in trouble scared me. It was one of my greatest fears right after spiders. So, in turn, I never got detention. Ever. In all of my ten (eleven counting kindergarten) years in school had I ever only gotten so much a stern talking to.

My best friend was an entirely different story, though. He wasn't a bad kid, but he had anger issues. He's had detention a pretty good bit (a lot) before, and if he got into trouble again, if something else happened to his permanent record, he would be expelled.

So that's why I took the fall for him when he punched a football player in the face.

The dude didn't see who punched him because he was hit from behind and was knocked out cold. So, even though in real life I could never do anything close to that with my scrawny body, I took the fall for my buddy and said I did it.

Most of the time, if a normal person had done it, the would've gotten at least a week's worth of detentions. But since I had never gotten detention before, they decided to let me off with only one day.

So that's what led up to me being here, in the hallway, standing next to this tall senior girl with black hair and a couple of piercings who looked like she could snap me like a twig in .002 seconds.

I stupidly decided say to her, "Hi, I'm Steven. Who're you?"

She just stared at me with this look that just screamed "I would just love to punch someone in the face. Not you, someone else.".

At that moment our school custodian, Ms. Archer, walked into the hall from the gym door on our left. The girl's look changed into "Ah, there you are. I would love to punch you in the face."

"Stacy, lockers. Kid, you mop. Lock up and leave the keys in the office window when your thirty minutes are up." She ordered giving the girl, Stacy apparently, a bucket, a key, and a scraper thing to scrape gum off the lockers. Ms. Archer wheeled a yellow bucket thing with wheels over to me. It was filled with water and a mop handle stuck far out of the top of the bucket. On the side there was a little thing where you wrung out the water from the mop when you were done.

I grabbed the mop and started cleaning right away as Ms. Archer walked out the big front doors. As soon as she walked out, Stacy put down the bucket and scraper thing, sat down toward the middle of the hall, propped up against a wall, pulled out her earbuds and phone, and started listening to music.

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