End Part 3: Society's Rebirth

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Ava woke up, restrained. He was on a table that was tilted at a 45-degree angle, just enough to get a good look at the room he was in. The table moved somewhat so that he was standing completely upright, albeit still suspended over the floor in his restraints.

The room was the normal room he was used to when transferring, there wasn't really much surprise where he was at first. That was, until his eye unblurred and he noticed the figure in front of him.

It was a young woman, long dark hair, pale complexion, shorter than your average standard issue Serv body. She was wearing a light green top and light green trousers, as well as a long white coat.

He didn't remember that model of Serv ever existing before.

"Who are you?" he asked, "this is Mars Central right? Where's the Major?"

The woman stepped back, she was clearly distressed, she tried to talk but was having trouble getting her words out.

"What is it? Let me go." Ava asked,

"O-ok. I'm sorry!" she rushed over to a control panel to the side of the room. Before she pressed any of the buttons she quickly picked up a phone and started mumbling into it.


"Sorry! Sorry!" she exclaimed. Eventually, she pushed the button on the panel to unlock the restraints.

Ava stumbled onto the floor, he was instantly aware of how strange his body felt. It lacked flexibility, it was frail and delicate, yet at the same time, it felt extremely heavy. Was this what a Block-3 body felt like?

He looked all over his body and suddenly noticed something distressing.

No visible joints. No shell. A curious bump where his groin was...

What happened to his body?

"Wh-what is this!?" he asked, "and you still haven't told me who you are!" he wanted to be more forceful but he could feel himself get woozy.

The woman rushed over to Ava before he collapsed and rested him on a chair near the table he was just on.

"I-I'm sorry sir, it may take some time for you to get used to your new body."

"What is this body?" he asked,

"Uhm..." the woman frowned and pulled out a large manual she had sitting on the table.


"Ok, no. Sorry, I'm afraid I have to explain this situation to you in the correct order."

"What situation?"

The woman bit her lip. "The texts say that a long time ago, you were brought here from the heavens by an angel. By the holy mother Aphrodite. See?" she pointed at a small statue standing on the table near to her. It was of a female body encased in red glass. "That's what most people believe."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"People believed this for quite a long time. But as science advanced and as we started to examine both your data and the holy texts, things before more apparent, as dictated by chapter 651 of the holy texts."

"Holy texts?"

The woman raised her eyebrow and then showed Ava the book she was holding.

"The Book of Rebirth. The textbook that recounts the birth of our race."


"Anyway. Chapter 651, the testimony of Aphrodite. The woman who helped build the new world and-" the woman gulped, "is apparently my ancestor. She wrote this part in explicit detail, and we spent tens of years trying to reproduce this part to so that it would be exactly the same as when it was first written."

Ava and Aphrodite: The First Human in 8000 Years (Featured)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant