Chapter 73: It Begins With L

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As the creatures approached closer it was clear that they had weird plant-like features. Moss grew on parts of their body, fungi in all the nooks and crannies, odd bits of green and brown slime oozing from orifices. What were they?

Looking around, Aphrodite noticed that there were about ten or so of the creatures in the area, some actually hadn't noticed the group and were just foraging around. Only a handful were approaching.

Could it be that they were only curious? While Aphrodite had detailed knowledge on a lot of common Earth mammals, she'd never heard of anything like this creature, so she couldn't imagine what it's behavioral patterns would be like.

The Major stood up and walked next to Aphrodite.

"Are you scared?" she asked, "You shouldn't be. These creatures wouldn't be able to touch a Serv soldier if they attacked. Especially if they attacked me. Our reactions and spatial awareness are far beyond the capabilities of any mammal.

"We're safe with the Major around," said Ava, he was sitting down next to Sylvie, who had just fallen into hibernation for the night.

"Yes. For example, Ava and I already know that the creature to the right is about to attack." said the Major. "Even though it hasn't moved yet."

And she was right, not a moment later the creature, ten foot tall, hulking and muscular, bounded towards Aphrodite and the Major on all fours. It was terrifying and caused Aphrodite to fall back onto the ground in surprise.

The Major didn't move at all. The moment the creature pounced towards her, a huge gaping red hole punched through its chest. The hole expanded instantly and liquidated the creature. It dissolved into the air and was erased from existence.

Aphrodite blinked.

What had happened there?

One moment it was mid-air about to land on the Major, the next it had disappeared into nothingness.

"Major, I didn't think you'd be the type to show off," said Ava, with his eyebrow raised,

"I'm not in the mood for any nonsense right now. Besides," the Major looked at Aphrodite and held out her hand, "I'm just showing Aphrodite she has nothing to fear."

Aphrodite grabbed the Major's hand and was pulled back up on to her feet.

"Wait. Did you do that? I didn't see you move!" Aphrodite exclaimed.

"Don't underestimate me." said the Major. She motioned her head to where the other creatures were, "and look, they're all scared now." it was true, they were retreating. Stepping back in fear. They'd witnessed one of their own being turned into nothingness by a new fearsome race of creatures.

Servs were monsters.

Aphrodite blinked and tried to register what she had seen. So, during that fight, when the Major was trying to kill Ava. She really was holding back, wasn't she? If she was able to punch something faster than the human eye, with a force strong enough to liquidate whatever it touched, she must have been fighting Ava at barely a fraction of her power.

"Listen," said the Major. "I'm going to hibernate for the night. Might as well not waste all this energy, we'll recharge under the solar rays tomorrow." she walked up to Ava and lay on the floor, despite her grace and regal look, she wasn't against roughing it when she had to. "The creatures won't hurt you anymore."

"I-I.." While Aphrodite was now convinced that the Servs could take these creatures on. She couldn't help but still be a little shaken. She wasn't sure why, she'd been in hairy situations before. But something about those creatures was unsettling, she couldn't get them off her mind.

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