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-Cassie's POV-

It's been about a week since I've listened to Andy's song.  I can't get it out of my head.  The words that were in graved into my necklace now echoed through my head in song.  I decided that today I would try to listen to his music, because it seemed like his band was popular. I searched up his band and hit shuffle.  The first song was devil in the mirror.  The lyrics hit my heart in ways that music used to do for me when I was younger. I started to cook while my band mates were doing god knows what.  Just when I was halfway done,  The Mortitions Daughter came on and I softly sang along to it.  Halfway through I found my self quietly sobbing as unpleasant and happy memories flooded my head. 

I quickly collected myself as I was about to call in everybody for dinner.  As soon as I did,  they were in the kitchen in less than seconds.  Andy's band was still playing in the background and Sage gave me a sad look.  I  shrugged it off and grabbed my small plate of food. 

"So, you're into Black Veil Brides Cas?" Nick asked

"I-I guess, " I said quietly thinking while playing with my food

"Everything okay?" He asked again

"Yeah,  I'm gonna go back to my apartment and pack some things up.  I'll sleep there the rest of the week and I'll be here to stay on Friday. " I said while getting up

"Okay,  we'll clean up.  Go and relax tonight. " Sage said while giving me a knowing look

"Okay,  come with me outside. " I said as I got up and she followed.

"What's up?" She asked

"I fucking miss him. " I sobbed.

"Hey,  it's okay. " She paused while trying to comport me "He was a dick for no reason,  and he's missing out on this amazingly talented fucker right here.  He messed up,  you didn't do shit. " Sage said

"I know." I sniffled

"When did all of this happen?" Sage asked

"about five or six years ago on my birthday. " I said gloomly

"Is that why you don't like your birthday?" She asked

"What the fuck do you think. " I laughed

"Yeah,  okay.  Go home,  go sleep,  and we'll see you tomorrow at noon for band rehearsal tomorrow. " Sage said while giving me a hug.  I just shook my head and opened my door to my car and got in.  I drove in silence to my apartment and when I got to the building I sadly walked with my tear stained cheeks and eyes to the elevator.  I lived on the eighth floor,  and it always took about eight minutes to get up to my apartment.

I pressed the button to go to my floor and as the doors were about to close,  a man sprinted into the elevator.  He had long black hair,  with brown eyes that held excitement.  He had a nice frame and looked like he played drums.  I've seen this man somewhere,  but where. 

"Are you Cassie Rose?" He asked

"Yeah,  why?" I asked unsure

"A friend wanted me to give you this." he said and then the door opened and he disappeared down the hall. 

I stood there in the elevator not knowing what just happened,  with a black Rose in my hand and a note.  When I got inside of my apartment,  I set my keys down and opened the letter:

I know I didn't give you this in person,  but I wanted to know that everything will alright, and I have a lot to tell you when I see you at the end of the week

I stared blankly at the piece of paper, trying to figure out who it was.  But nobody came to mind.  As much as I wanted it to be Andy,  it wouldn't be him,  he has his girlfriend Juliet and probably didn't even remember me. Oh well,  I'll just find out when this person shows up.

Beautiful Remains- Andy Biersack Fanfic{LONG CHAPTERS}Where stories live. Discover now