candycanes / lovino aph

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"Dammit. Will you-a stop that?" A brown-haired male was sitting beside a === haired female. He shifted slightly.

"Stop what, Lovi?" Pop, smack.

"Sucking on that-a candycane." He registered something after a second. "And don't call me Lovi, idiota ragazza! My name is Lovino."

"What? I always eat them like this~" She swirled her tongue around the candycane, adding, "And I know your name is Lovino~ I've known you for three months, haven't I?"

Lovino shifted again. I wish she would do that to my-  Lovino's eyes widened. Don't think like that, dammit! She's your best friend! Lovino glanced sideways at the ----- eyed girl. "Si, you-a have." He turned his head away from her.

"Hey, Lovino, did you hear about what happened yesterday? To that one little kid who-" The female started babbling abaout yesterday, sucking and licking on the candycane from time-to-time.

Lovino started to doze off...


"Hey, Lovi~?" Poke, poke. "Wake up, Loviii~" The female crawled on top of the fast-asleep male, staring down at him curiously. Or, rather, at his curl. He never told her what it did, and she was quite curious. Especially from the strange sound that came from the Italian's mouth just as her had went to touch it.

Jumping slightly (but still staying composed), she shakily brought her hand up to the curl, touching it softly.

A small mewling-ish sound came from Lovino's mouth.

The girl blinked, a confused look crossing her face. Whaa? She wrapped her index finger around the curl, tugging it.

Lovino jumped up (which made the female pull on the curl harder, both or of shock and because her finger was still around it) and made a strange, strangled-sounding sound, followed by a gasp as he started shaking.


"_-_____. Let-a go." Lovino's words were serious, albeit how shaky and reluctant-ish they were. He liked her hand being there, actually...

"Why?" _____ had a confused look on her face. Oh, the ever innocent === haired, ----- eyed girl...

"Be-because..." A strange growl-like thing came from Lovino's throat. He turned his head to where the curl wouldn't get pulled, then realized something. Something that made his cheeks go redder than they were already.

Was _____ straddling him?!

The Italian's eyes widened.

_____, confused, pulled the curl again.

And, guess what Lovino did?

"A-ahh..." Yep, you guessed it, if you bothered to guess~ He let out a quiet moan. But if you guessed 'moan', that works too...

She quickly let go of the curl, slightly shocked. And her own eyes widened when a pair of lips were covering her own.

"I had told-a you to let go, didn't I, bella..?" Lovino said, smirking.

_____'s cheeks darkened. She didn't move, mostly from shock. "Wha-whaa..?" she murmured, her ----- eyes showing her confusion.

"The curl. Never-a touch it again-a, understand, bella ragazza? Or, actually..." A small, lusty chuckle came from Lovino's mouth, "Pull it whenever you-a like~"

Before _____ could say anything, her and Lovino's position was switched, courtesy of the Italian himself, and his lips were ontop of her own again.

And, well... let's just say, they had a fun, fun Christmas night.

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