Chapter7-Saving My Life

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Chapter7- saving my life


I am still panting from that run. I think myself as foolish now for some reasons.

I do not know who my pursuer is

I kept running.

I do not know where I am.

The last is the most frustrating knowledge to have. I have a brilliant idea. All I have to do is to run in the same direction I came from. The only problem was I have turn around severally since I realized I was lost.

I exhale. I need to breathe.

Another idea pops in my head. I could climb a tree and look for the village. Easier said than done. It was easy.


I have climbed trees all my life. I do not even remember when I started. Thank my brothers for that.

I should have thought twice about this tree. It was a little slippery from moss and the branches were not strong. It was too late now. I was almost all the way up. Thus, I made the internal decision to finish what I had started.

Almost done climbing, when I heard, the bushes rustle.

It should be nothing, right? Bushes can on their own make rustling sounds without the help of wide.

Then again, I realized I was wrong. Someone or something had to cause the sounds. Fear gripped me from the deepest part of my soul. If it was a panther, I could die.

Never have I come across those wild beasts in my time of catching animals. Catching animals in the sense that I only set traps. I was already heaving heavy breaths, getting ready for the worst.

That was when the branch I was on, decided to give up under me.

I let out a loud yelp and braced myself for impact. The pain was fatal.

I could hardly move my upper body. I said hardly, not I could not.

The worst were my legs. They were stiff. I looked down just to realize they were seriously bleeding. I could not do anything I could not even leave my spot.

It still bugged me of the creature that created those movements. Now was even worse. Right now, I cannot escape from its wrath. I was going to die slowly in the jaws of whatever was coming my way.

I waited.

Still waiting.

I am still waiting.

This is getting annoying. This evil thing should come out already to kill me. Just then, a small rabbit jumped out.

There in front of my eyes was the cause of my pain and agony. Worst of all I could not kill it and make dinner of it.


I am so hungry.

When last did I eat? In the morning before my adventure began. Presently, the skies were becoming darker giving way to night.

All this started from running away from whoever that was. That person was scary.

As the moments passed by, I became weaker and weaker. Until I felt like I was barely breathing.

The end has come.

Why cannot I just die at once rather than face this torture of extreme famishment and pain.

Tears start to run down my cheeks. I cry and cry but I have no saviour.

I figure out. All this resulted from trying to save my life.

Then, I gave up or so I thought.

A/n: I know this chap was very short not to worry this is where the drama begins I guess

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