Merdette Highschool AU

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Hello peeps

This is the first time I've done this so be nice, please

send prompts 

lets gooo


Louis Merante heaved his book bag higher up oh his shoulder, glancing nervously at the doors of Golden Sierra College. He looked at all the other people streaming, all in their little bubble of popularity, and sighed.
Odette Lemercier pulled up outside of the doors, turning so that the side of her motorcycle was parallel with the wall with practiced ease, and she took her helmet off, shaking her hair out. 

Setting her helmet down and popping her gum, she grabbed her book bag and her leather jacket, shrugging it on and stalking towards the doors, not minding the envious glances everyone gave her.
Merante set his book bag down and opened a new notebook, unconsciously inhaling the smell of a new notebook and relishing how the pages crackled. A soft smile crept onto his face, and he took a pen out of his pocket and clicked it several times, letting it spin gracefully. 

He saw a flurry of movement by the door, and he looked up, curious. What he saw was a girl with the sun in her hair and the stars in her eyes; she wore a black leather jacket, motorcycle gloves, a white t-shirt and black leggings. Her hair was held up with a messy bun, and her book bag was slung over one shoulder with her hand hooked in her pocket. 

Every member of the male population immediately sat up straighter - all of them except Merante, that is. He would most likely get beaten up if she even so much as smiled at him, so he tried to make himself as unnoticeable a target as possible. 

Odette gave them a look of disdain, and sat next to Merante. He smiled at her, immediately regretting it as Clément gave him a glare so fierce he felt it in the small of his back, but Odette smiled back at him, her beauty putting even the moon to shame. Then their English Literature teacher came in, smiled at the class, and began teaching.


After the lesson ended, the teacher called him up to the front of the class, dismissing the rest. Clément and his goons pushed their way to the front of the classroom and left, probably to play basketball. His teacher asked him questions about Shakespeare and Macbeth, his favourite english play, before finally letting him go with a satisfied smile.

 As he was picking up his things, he noticed Odette's leather jacket hung over the back of her seat. He picked it up, making sure there was no one near by, and hurried out of the classroom. He walked towards the carpark on a hunch, and sure enough, he saw Odette hanging from a railing doing sit-ups with a book, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

He cleared his throat, causing Odette to dog-ear the page of her book, sit up, catch the railing and turn her head towards him. A light sheen of sweat covered her forehead, but Merante thought she had never looked prettier. 

She smiled at him, dropped of the railing, landed lightly and leaned against the brick wall of the parking lot with a sort of careless grace. Merante blushed, handing her jacket back to her, and smiled sheepishly. 

"I saw you left this behind, and you seemed quite nice just now." 

Odette took it back and grinned, pecking him on the cheek and ruffling his hair, before picking up her combat boots and padding off barefoot. Merante couldn't stop smiling until he got back into the locker room, which was where his day got exponentially worse; he was slammed against his locker, surely denting it, but he had larger problems than something as mundane as a dented locker. 

Clément and his goons were staring him down, and Clément's large hand had pinned his collar to his locker. As Clément kicked him around and the others kept watch, someone stepped into his field of vision as everything faded to black. The last thing he saw was a pair of black steel-toed combat boots.

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