6/2/18 1:10am

43 0 0

Long Entry please just read it all

Lying here thinking what could've happened
And what never was
Of all the nights
Why is this the one I long for you the most?
I never wanted to lose you
As if I ever had you

All these places I wanted to go to with you
The states
The towns
All the little things
walking together
staying at hotels
to wake up in paradise
All of these things
When all I wanted was you
( but I couldn't even accomplish that)

Reaching for the light
That I thought was in your eyes
Hurts more than the sun

My heart used to skip a beat when I saw you
Now it just skips every feeling in general

The first three are about one person and the last one is about someone else. The haiku I got some inspo from the green light in the Great Gatsby(he deserved better)
And the sentence in parenthesis in the second one I didn't really wanna add but the same time i did so it's still apart of it

Thanks for reading if you did it's been awhile but I might post more that it's summer and I'll be in my feels more now that I have time to lol

strangled thoughtsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora