4/4/17 1:45am

82 0 0

Sorry for making this long and unbearable
You didn't notice the stares
You didn't notice a change
You didn't realize the pain
You didn't understand why it hurt so much
You strayed from embraces
You didn't understand the tears
You laughed through it all
You pretended it was okay
You tried to make it better
You made it worse
You couldn't look me in the eye
You kept your head up
I kept mine down
You walked past me without acknowledging me
You left without saying goodbye
You waved but didn't look back
You'll pretend nothing's wrong the next week
You'll act like you were there the whole time
You'll keep pretending I don't exist anymore
You'll erase me from your life and forget about me

I hate living right now.
I can't stand what it's become.

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